T-shirts are in!
New member t-shirts are in! Pick yours up this week. We’ll also have new American Apparel shirts (unisex) and tank tops (ladies) for sale by the end of the week.
Saturday schedule change
Beginning this week, our Saturday class offerings will now be at 10 and 11 am.
Join the Frantastic Voyage!
Fran Prelims are Saturday. ANYONE can participate, even if you just started CrossFit! The sign-up sheet is in the box, or you can sign up here. Who’s gonna step up to the plate?
For time:
Thrusters and Pull ups
Men’s Categories:
Beginner- 45# thrusters, jumping or band-assisted pull ups
Intermediate- 65# thrusters, unassisted band-assisted pull ups
Advanced- 95# thrusters, unassisted pull ups
Women’s Categories:
Beginner- 35# thrusters, jumping or band-assisted pull ups
Intermediate- 45# thrusters, jumping pull-ups or bands
Advanced- 65# thrusters, unassisted pull-ups
How to Participate:
1. GET REGISTERED – Sign up here or in the box and pay the $30 entry (remember, $10 goes back in the “kitty” for prize money).
2. SET YOUR BASELINE – Sign up for a heat the week of June 9th, then show up Saturday, June 16th to set your baseline “Fran” time. This will be the time from which we calculate your improvement.
3. TRAIN AT CROSSFIT MIDTOWN – Once per week the WOD will be a different version of “Fran”.
4. SHOW UP for the FINALS – Repeat “Fran” on Sat, July 28- hit your Personal Record (PR)!
** PRIZES will be awarded for:
Most Improved Male, Most Improved Female, Fastest Male, Fastest Female
*If you scale Fran for prelims, you will retest under same conditions. $30 includes entry fee, t-shirt, prizes and Finals party. Register now!
There are lots of new faces in the gym. Introduce yourself!
Congrats to Rocky and James on killing it in your first week, and to Ibonne, Uran, Adam and Tess for surviving your first WODs! Welcome to Foula, Kerry, Anna and Brennan! Keep up the hard work. Please see Lis if you don’t yet have a pic on the new member board up front.
400 Fans Dance!
Let me assure you our coaching and programming are much better than the quality of the audio, video and editing of this video, but we sure had fun making it! Thanks to Kenley, Carlos, Jon and Dan (and ROHAN the DJ!) for staying late last night to film our dance celebrating 400 Facebook fans. If you haven’t already liked the CFM Facebook Page, please do so. We’re shooting for 500 fans by Saturday, so please share our page and encourage your friends to like it too!!!

Workout of the Day
A. 3 sets of 5 Strict/Shoulder Press
If you know your 1 rep max, do set 1 at 60%, set 2 at 65%, set 3 at 70%
B. 5 rds:
Max rep pull ups
One resisted run
Partner up on Part B. You and your partner will each do a set of max pull ups, then Partner 1 will run while Partner 2 holds the band/resists them, then Partner 2 runs while Partner 1 resists. Your score is the total amount of pull ups you do over five rounds.
Excellent work photoshopping the two dudes holding Matt's feet out of that picture!
Dan, we are going to need to work on your dance moves.
Dan is not supposed to be a good dancer in these videos.
Not to mention I walked in right as they were about to shoot the video.
You're right Dan. You totally would have made a better showing with more rehearsal time. I can't wait to see your WOBBLE on Saturday after two weeks of practice. Barishnakov up in this joint (sp?)