Happy Wednesday!
Halfway to the weekend. I. Can’t. Wait:
Fran Challenge Prelims – Sat 10 & 11am. The sign-up sheet is in the box, or you can sign up here. John from Stronger, Faster, Healthier will also be here this weekend with some post-WOD protein and fish oil samples for you to try!
Grand Opening Party – Sat 5-8pm at the box
Free Park WOD – Sun 10am. Meet at the Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts
HOOVERBALL! – Sun 11am on the sand volleyball, er, HOOVERBALL courts.
T-shirts are in
New member t-shirts are in! Pick yours up this week. We’ll also have new American Apparel shirts (unisex) and tank tops (ladies) for sale by the end of the week.
Alison loooooooves to press.Workout of the Day
A. 3 rounds – 1:00 plank hold (center, left, right)
B. 10 minutes skill work – handstands
C. For time (leader board tester):
250m row
15x kb swing @ 70/53
25x burpee
15x kb swing @ 70/53
250m row
So can I still hit CARLOS even if my PR wasn't at CFM? Pretty please. 10# PR on the snatch tonight and 20# PR on the C&J at CrossFit West Houston!
Free yoga tonight for those that want to come out after the 6:00 PM class begins at 8:00 PM. This is taught by a crossfitter so for those interested in diving more into the lifestyle this is a great addition. I am pumped for FRAN and opening party. https://www.facebook.com/events/427381560617304/
Carlos Tapia got to ring Carlos AGAIN last night! Sorry Scotty, Carlos-ringing is for CFM PRs only. Tell CF West Houston they should install a Carlos of their own. 🙂
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MEMBERS! Please help CFM get to 500 fans. We're hoping to do the WOBBLE at Saturday's party to celebrate 500 fans, BUT we're still 65 fans away. Please post on Facebook, tag CrossFit Midtown (@ sign, then CrossFit Midtown) and ask your FB friends to LIKE our page. Thanks!
It sounds so violant when you put it that way Scott! 🙂
Oh yeah, when you put it that way… Yes, Scott, you can still HIT CARLOS!
Blog post on the District Crossfit website today had an interesting tip on how to reduce fatigue on pullups. Something to keep in mind for Fran?
Back tonight! Who's going to be working out at 5?