
TUES 08.28.12 Athlete Profile: KERRY M.

Kerry and Anna rocking some cleans.

Athlete Profile: Kerry M.

Hometown: LaGrange, GA
Age: 40
Occupation: Regions Private Wealth Management
When did you start CrossFit?: I started CrossFit about 4 years ago with an instructor for 3 months and then thought I would try just using to get my WODs and instruction. BIG MISTAKE. Finally, after
lackluster results and poor form that nearly shredded my shoulder, I was just about ready to quit. Then, I moved to Atlanta and a few weeks later CrossFit Midtown opened up only a block away. I joined in June and have loved it!
Favorite WOD: Call me crazy but I like WODs with pull ups.
Least Favorite WOD: Any AMRAP.
Three words to describe you: God, Family, Work
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I played varsity tennis, wrestling, soccer and football in high-school. Even managed to be selected for GA All-State Football in 1994. After that high point, I went to college and basically stopped doing anything that closely resembled exercise. About 10 years ago I reached a peak of slothfulness and finally decided to get moving. I enjoyed spinning and exercise classes until I heard about CrossFit.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel?
I went in on a Saturday and the WOD was “Fight Gone Bad”. I gave it my all, was beat by most of the girls and still nearly croaked. No really. Turns out I had “rhabdomyolysis”, which is where muscle fibers are damaged and released into the bloodstream, often causing kidney damage. Seems that it’s often seen in 30+ year old guys who think they’re still 18. I haven’t done Fight Gone Bad since!
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF? I can carry my 9 and 6 year old kids around the house while dodging our barking dog.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I have more confidence in all aspects of life and have met some really great, interesting people.
Any advice for people just getting started? You will second guess your decision to start CrossFitting for the first few weeks. Don’t give up! Follow your instructor’s guidance. Push yourself every day and you will soon be missing the days you can’t make it into CFM!
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?
Living my life for Jesus Christ and spending as much quality time as possible with my wife and kids. I also enjoy bird hunting and scuba diving.
What did you eat today? Well, I thought about eating 3 cookies but I only ate one. That counts as progress–right, Lis?!
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? No. I might try it one day but for now I eat healthy “family” meals with lots of chicken, fish, veggies, nuts…and cookies.

Labor Day Weekend

CFM is open for Labor Day… please check out the following schedule updates:
Saturday, September 1 – regular scheduled classes at 10 & 11 am
Sunday, September 2 – Hooverball at 10 am, Piedmont Park sand volleyball courts
Monday, September 3 – regular classes cancelled. Join Jeremy for open gym from 10am-12noon.

Workout of the Day

A. 10 minutes to a heavy power clean single
B. Deadlift: 3 sets of 15, 2 min rest
C. Three rounds:
8 Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift R, 30 sec rest
8 Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift L, 30 sec rest
8 Glute-Ham Raises, 30 sec rest

9 thoughts on “TUES 08.28.12 Athlete Profile: KERRY M.”

  1. Yaaaay Kerry! It's awesome having you at CFM. Thanks for being my 7am buddy!

    I just sent a FB message to some of you… is anyone interested in putting some teams together for the Atlanta League East vs West Showdown? It's open to all skill levels… teams of four to six. Let's enter at least one Mixed and one Elite team! There are two days to choose from – Sat, Sept 29 or Sat, Oct 6. Let me know who wants in!

  2. Email Courtney at crossfit midtown dot com if you're interested… let her know which day you're available (or if either day works, let her know that too). THANKS

  3. Shay, thanks, I’ll do my best to stay as much out of your way. For those who can’t make a fhiglt out to the CrossFit Games, they are streaming the games LIVE, and for FREE. We need to talk to Nate and see if we can hook this up to the tv upstairs and we can all watch it at the gym. Nate if your reading this, we need your help with it. So even if your not going to CA, we’re going to be at the gym for 3 days straight watching the action. Plan on it!

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