To Deny One’s Past Is To Deny Oneself
by Uran
At CFM, we put a big focus on goal-setting – an emphasis on looking forward to what will be. I, for one, think that’s awesome! It’s great to look ahead to what we will accomplish, what our life will look like, who we plan to be, etc. In fact, if you aren’t willing to take a peek into your future and at least THINK about how you’d like for it to play out, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. But with all that looking ahead, we leave ourselves little room to reflect on the past.
So take a few moments today to think of a few positive things that have happened in your recent past. How have they impacted who you are today? How have they shaped the decisions you’ve made leading up to this moment in your life? What have you learned from them that has changed the way you think? In the same way that we look ahead to continue our growth as athletes and people, there is merit in taking some time to reflect on how much we’ve already accomplished as well.
Why EVERY ATHLETE should do yoga
If you’re still not sold on the benefits of yoga, check this out. THEN hit up today’s noon yoga class with Beth and Monica’s Thurs night (8:15p) class!
Remember that yoga is included in your membership and doesn’t count as one of your weekly classes, so come on in and get your OM on! Our yoga classes are suitable for all experience levels.
CONGRATS on all the March goals, accomplishments and PRs (PR= personal record… do something awesome in the gym, and add it to the PR board. Don’t forget to ring the PR bell …that’s the doorbell outside the back door labeled CARLOS!). Get into the box this week to add your April goals to the board!
Workout of the Day
Every 5 minutes, for 2 rounds:
A1. Back Squat: 20-25 reps @2211 tempo, 15sec rest
A2. Weighted pull up: 6-7 reps @2112 tempo
Every 3 minutes, for 4 rounds:
B1. Dumbbell kneeling torso row: 10-12 reps @3010 tempo, 15sec rest
B2. Push Ups: As many reps as possible @2010 tempo
C. For time:
Double Unders
And coming tomorrow…
Every 3 min for 3 rounds:
A1. Barbell step-up: 10-12 reps L @1010 tempo
A2. Barbell step-up: 10-12 reps R @1010 tempo
B. 10 min: EASY row, run or AirDyne
C. 2 rounds of 3 min row, run or AirDyne: Whatever you did in part B, do for Part C. Go for max cals/distance. Rest 3 min between rounds. Try to beat Round 1 score in Round 2.