Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:15p: College CrossFit- Michael
4p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Hang Power Clean: In 12 minutes work up to a 3 rep max (3RM).
B. Fight Gone Bad Style
For 3 rounds complete as many repetitions in 1 minute at each station:
Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
Row (cal)
Overhead backward lunge steps (25/10# plate)
9m Shuttle Runs
Burpee Plate Hops (45# plate)
Rest 1 minute
Every rep counts. Post total reps from all rounds.
And coming Saturday…
5 Rounds Deadlift Ladder
6 Handstand Pushups
6 Deadlift (205/105) + (20-30-20-10 / 10-20-10-5 # per round)
60 Jump rope singles
Easter Sunday
We will have open gym Sunday, April 20th 12-2pm.