Quarterly Progress Checks wrap up…
Be sure to retest your Baseline by Sunday. We’re also starting a new strength cycle next week, so it’s important to learn your maxes so you’ll have numbers to work from beginning next week. We’ll be lifting based on a percentage of your max, so get those maxes done this week!
Tomorrow is a make-up day and Sunday is Open Gym 12n-2p so use these chances to get in and make up a benchmark you missed this week.
Retest your Baseline (if you haven’t already)!
For time:
500m row
40 squats
30 abmat situps
20 hand-release push ups
10 pull ups
Workout of the Day
CrossFit Total:
Find your 1 rep max (in order) of:
Back squat
Strict press
Add the three numbers together for your CrossFit Total score!
And coming tomorrow…
Make-up Day
Choose a benchmark you missed earlier this week to make it up. Top priorities to retest are Baseline, CrossFit Total & Olympic Total. Good luck!