
WED 05.13.20

Coach Bri

Today’s schedule

9a: Zoom CrossFit– Brianna
12n: Zoom CrossFit– Brianna
5:30p: Zoom CrossFit– Damon

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. 5 Rounds [15min cap]
5 Dumbbell Clusters (50’s/35’s)
15 Straight Leg Raises
50 Double Unders

B. EMOM 15
Min 1: 30 sec Handstand Hold
Min 2: 20/20 sec Pistol Hold
Min 3: Rest

A. 5 Rounds [15min cap]

4 Inverted Burpees
15 Straight Leg Raises
50 Double Unders

Post time to complete the WOD. 9:21 Rx

And coming tomorrow…

A. L-sit Hold
Complete 1 max L-sit Hold for time
Then EMOM 12
Min 1: 10 L-sit Leg Lifts
Min 2: 4/4 L-sit Straddle Lifts
Min 3: 15-30 sec L-sit Hold

B. 3 Rounds [15 min Cap]
400m Run
21 Dumbbell Swings (50/35)
12/12 Bent Over Row (50/35)

B. 3 Rounds [15 min Cap]
400m Run
21 Broad Jumps
9 Burpees

Post time for L-sit and time for the WOD. Ex: 22 sec, 12:14 Rx.

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