Holiday Schedule – July 4th & 5th
CFM will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th. The 6 and 7 am classes will also be cancelled on Thursday, July 5th. All other classes this week will be held as regularly scheduled.
Join us Tuesday for a special hero WOD just in time for the holiday. We’ll post a no-equipment-needed WOD on Tuesday in case you wish to get moving on your own on the 4th.
Goals Check-in
How’s everyone’s progress toward your summer goals? Brand new members, if you’re unsure what I’m talking about, check your inbox this week! Everyone else, it’s time to refocus and reengage yourself. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep reaching toward those goals!
If you need some help with goal-setting, let me know. AND plan to attend our Goal-Setting Workshop on Wednesday, July 11 at 7pm as Rachel from lululemon howell mill will lead us through some imagination, vision and goal-setting exercises.
Knee Socks!
CFM knee socks are in! We have men’s and women’s sizes. They’re $13 for a pair. PERFECT TIMING for today’s rope climbs!
Workout of the Day
1. Find your 1 rep max Front Squat
2. For time:
10 front squats 135/95
1 rope climb
8 front squats
1 rope climb
6 front squats
1 rope climb
4 front squats
1 rope climb
2 front squats
1 rope climb
Compare to 05.14.12
Cash-out: Wall stretch- 2 min ea side; Hamstring stretch w band- 1 min ea side