
midtown atlanta

All the rings are taken for some ring dip strength work.
All the rings are taken for some ring dip strength work.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Casey
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
1:45p: College CrossFit- Kelly
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Kelly
8p: Open Gym- Kelly

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back Squat: 3 sets of 5 worksets. All sets at the same weight. Rest 3 minutes between sets.

B. 7 minutes as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:
7 Wallball Shots 10ft (20/14)
7 Pullups**

**No Bands. Sub barbell assisted pullups 1:1 or ring rows 2:1

And coming tomorrow…

A. Push Press: 5 sets of 3 reps. Workup to a heavy set of 3.

B. 4 Rounds For Time:
4 Hang Power Clean (155/100)
8 Shoulder to overhead (155/100)
12 Pushups**

**Mod for pushups is incline pushups 1:1.

Thursday, April 24th is Bring a Friend Day!! We’ll have an all levels friendly WOD so invite a friend to join you for class on Thursday.

TUES 04.22.14 Read More »

Labor Day schedule

CFM will have regularly scheduled classes on Saturday, August 31 & Sunday, September 1. On Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day there will be only one class, at 12n.
IMG_7960Tirzah at To Helen Back finals.

Today’s schedule

6a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Ben
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Lis
8p: Beginner CrossFit- Lis

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Bench press: 5-5-5+
B. Every min on the min for 16 mins:
Odd: 2 rope climbs
Even: 10 kettlebell swings

And coming tomorrow…

A. Overhead squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
B. Every min on the min for 10 mins:
3-position snatch @ 60% snatch 1RM
C. 2:00 hollow rock test

MON 8.26.13 Labor Day schedule Read More »

STRONG! screening & PRIDE fundraiser is this Fri!

Help us support the Atlanta PRIDE committee as we celebrate our new Olympic Lifting coach Cheryl Haworth. Get your tickets here – NOW just a $5 donation to join the fun!

POSE Running seminar is this Sat, Aug 17

Join Coach Amy for an hour of skills & drills practice to make you a more efficient runner! Register here today for the Early Bird $15 price.
IMG_7969Congrats to all who finished this summer’s To Helen Back Challenge! Our prize winners are Chris H (not pictured), Anastasiya, Ellen, Dave, Tirzah, Allison J, Brianne & Stuart. Thanks to VitaCoco, Big Peach Running Co, Parq, Rira & the Nook for donating prizes!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5-5-5+
B. Hang snatch
C. Tabata air squat (hold bottom of squat on rest) then Tabata push ups (hold top of push up on rest)

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: 5-5-5+
B. Every min on the min for 16 mins:
Even – 8 Lateral box jumps
Odd – 10 wall balls 20/14

TUES 8.13.13 STRONG! screening Read More »

NEW YOGA CLASS Sundays at 6p

Starting this weekend, Monica will be teaching yoga Sundays at 6pm at CFM! This expands our yoga offerings to three classes a week – Wed at 12n with Beth, Thurs at 8:15p with Laura, & Sun at 6p with Monica! Yoga is included in your membership. It DOESN’T count toward your weekly class limits, so you’ve got no excuse to skip it. Come on in and get your yoga on!


We’ll hold ONE WOD Saturday at 10am over at the Piedmont Park Active Oval. So come for that OR PLEASE join us for the entire Field Day, Saturday morning from 9a-12noon. All proceeds benefit Strong4Life. Email Tirzah if you’d like to volunteer or if you still want to register a team.

Field Day will happen RAIN OR SHINE!

Stay tuned to the blog this week for announcements & the CFM Facebook page Sat AM for updates. If necessary, we’ll relocate the games back to CFM.

Speaking of the CFM Facebook page…

Did you know we film a new silly dance video to post on YouTube for every 100 new fans we get on Facebook? Welllll, we’re hoping to score ONE THOUSAND…1,000… FANS before Saturday so that we can enlist the help of our new student Antony (He’s a breakdancer. How cool is that?) to make the BEST VIDEO EVER at the Anniversary Party. Please help us recruit more fans. Share the CFM page on your FB page and help us break the 1000 mark!


Here’s why you should come:
These guys will be here from 7 to 9p dishing up some BBQ for ya (paleo & not-paleo options available :)). We’re picking up the tab from 7 to 8, so get here early!

Yoga today at noon!

Rowing class tonight at 7p

Here’s the rowing WOD:
1 x 5 min at 2k split time
2 x 4 min at 2k split minus 1 sec
3 x 3 min at 2k split minus 2 sec
2 x 2 min at 2k split minus 3 sec
1 x 1 min at 2k split minus 4 sec
Notes: Rest 1:30 between each segment. If you do not know your 2k split time, it’s ok. I will work with you to figure out a good pace for the workout.

Workout of the Day

20 min to find 1-rep max bench press THEN…
2 min to find max standing broad jump THEN…
2 rounds:
1 min max plyo push ups
1 min max overhead lunges 45#/25#

No rest between movements/rounds.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Pull ups: Weighted pull ups – 5-5-5+ at 75% of last week’s 1 rep-max OR
Negatives 5-5-5
Rest 3 minutes between sets
B. As many rounds & reps as possible in 10 minutes:
5 ring dips
5 wall balls 20/14
5 box jumps 24/20

WED 05.08.13 Sunday Yoga! Read More »

Approaching Your WODs

by Uran
As CrossFit beginners, we’ve all been there. You’re hitting the gym regularly, and feeling pretty damn good about yourself. You SHOULD be! Making good on your commitment to train consistently is great, and it’s something even the most elite athletes struggle with from time to time.
But now that you’ve got your training schedule in place, and you’re showing up for your WODs on a regular basis, it’s time to start drilling down into what’s going on during your workouts. Once you’ve learned the movements, safe technique, and the proper range of motion, you can really begin to think about your intensity.
Learning to make the most of your workouts is something that takes practice if you’re new to CrossFit, so start thinking about it early.
Are you scaling appropriately to reach the desired level of intensity for that particular workout?
If the workout is designed to be done at a sprint, choose weights/modifications that can accommodate that kind of pace.
If the programming calls for a heavy weightlifting day, challenge yourself there as well.
And if you don’t know the purpose of the workout, you can always ask a coach. All of the CFM coaches can help you figure out how to approach a workout, so don’t be afraid to ask.
It took me years of trial and error to figure out how to approach WODs with the right level of intensity on my own because I didn’t know how to ask for guidance. It will always be a bit of a learning process as you continue to progress and get stronger, but thinking about it early and taking the advice of your coaches will get you there much more quickly!

The Mardi Gras WOD crew

Workout of the Day (WOD)… for real this time

A. As many rounds & reps as possible in 20min:
10 handstand push ups
2 rope climbs
20 walking lunges
B. accumulate 3min each of L side plank & R side plank

And coming tomorrow…BENCHMARK FRIDAY

A. Close-grip bench press: 15min to find 1 rep max
B. “Cindy”:
As many rounds & reps as possible in 20 min of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

02.14.13 Happy Valentine’s Day! Read More »

Olympic Lifting Seminar with Travis Cooper

Sunday, March 10th, Travis Cooper will be joining us for a six-hour seminar (9a-4p with an hour break for lunch) to teach us the finer points of the snatch and clean & jerk. Travis has competed and coached at the national & world levels. He is now a member of Team MDUSA and aspires to compete in the 2016 Olympics.
Register now! This seminar is limited to 24 athletes. Athletes and coaches of all levels will benefit from this course.

$75.00 – CFM Members
$85.00 – CFM Guests

Visit the FB event page for the seminar timeline and more info about Travis.

Lis & Dan make good on their lost SuperBowl bet and do 50 burpees (notice Dan actually does 51) as a triumphant Nate heckles around them. Nate was nice enough to provide background music for the festivities. Dan made good on his prediction of a 2:30 finish time and was nice enough to drag Lis out super fast, way off her pace, to a 2:42ish finish. Both would later regret this blistering pace and lack of a warm-up.

Quarterly Progress Checks:

This week, we’re retesting several benchmark workouts and setting new goals for the next three months. Who will you be by early May? Set your intention now.

Workout of the Day

A. CrossFit Total:
1 rep max of –
Back squat
Strict press
B. 1 minute AirDyne test for max calories

And coming tomorrow…

Partner WOD at all classes!
Choose between –
A. 5k row: you and your partner alternate as you wish. Each partner must row at least 2000 meters.
B. TabataISH: you and your partner each complete 8 rounds – :20 max reps of air squats, push ups, sit ups, pull ups. While Partner A works, Partner B rests. Count all reps for total score.

FRI 02.07.13 CrossFit Total! Read More »

The Sayers of Nay

by Coach Jeremy
For those of you making big life changes with CrossFit and the Paleo diet, reinvention is hard–not just for you but for those around you. You’ll hear, “You’re doing what?”… “You’re eating how?”… “That’s not good for you!”… and so on.
So why are people so resistant to your transformation? You’re the one putting in work. They’re not waking up early to hit the gym before work, or turning down the company-sponsored bagel breakfast. You are. You’re putting in work, and a lot of it, which can create mixed emotions for those around you.
Part of the resistance you see is from people genuinely concerned with your well-being. But the overwhelmingly salient reason people resist your reinvention is fear–fear of losing you. Look at cultures and family. The underpinnings of these structures lie in language and food, and you just changed both.
You’re pumped about doing Fran and your heavy snatch and your grass-fed, lettuce-wrapped burger. Who ARE you?
So, how should you deal with this? The easy way is just to stop. Quit CrossFitting. Eat the Standard American Diet.
But nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Reassure loved ones that you are still inherently you. CrossFit won’t change your political ideology or your religious beliefs. It will, however, make you a stronger, healthier and happier person.
You can only spend so much energy pleasing everyone. Just be yourself, and with time friends will accept these new ‘strange ways’ as part of you… just one of those things that makes you more lovable and quirky.

Yoga Thursday

Monica’s yoga class has been moved to Thursdays at 8:15pm. Join her tomorrow to stretch those sore muscles and work on mobility, balance and mental focus.

CFM Holiday Party IN TEN DAYS!

Ten days left! Uran & Dyer are recruiting a few more elves to help them with final party plans, decorations, playlists and set up. Post in the comments below if you can help. JUST WHEN IS THIS AWESOME PARTY, you ask? Why it’s next Saturday from 7 to 10 pm, right here at CFM. We’ll provide the main course and beverages. You bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share (paleo optional!).
Handstand drills in last night’s gymnastics class.

Workout of the Day

A. Push Press: In 8 minutes, build to heavy set of 5
B. Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
On odd minutes, do 1 muscle up & 3 ring dips OR 3 supine ring rows and 3 ring dips.
On even minutes, do 5 med ball slams.

WED 11.28.12 The Sayers of Nay Read More »

Member survey

Thanks to everyone who already completed the member survey emailed out yesterday. As you probably noticed, CrossFit Midtown is growing! So we’re constantly making changes to accommodate the growth and make sure CFM continues to be an awesome place to train. We’ll be modifying the schedule some for the month of August, just to test out a few new class times and see what works. We’re also ordering more equipment, which will be arriving in waves over the next month…including…drumroll…additional rowers, AirDynes, pull up bars, climbing ropes, barbells and more!
If you haven’t already filled out the survey, please do so, and give as much detail as possible when responding. It’s ONLY NINE QUESTIONS! Thanks for your feedback in making CFM better and better!
Email Lis if you didn’t receive the survey.

Paleo Diet

What is this paleo diet you CrossFitters speak of? I know, I know, CrossFit has a language of its own… *WOD, AMRAP, 3RM*… PALEO.
Here at CFM, our goal is to educate you about making healthier life choices, beginning with being active, but also in other parts of life – like your food choices. Take advantage of the resources we offer to learn more about eating better, so you can look, feel and perform better on a daily basis.
Library – did you know CFM has a library of books on various topics, including the paleo and primal diets? Ask a staff member how you can “check out” a book like Mark Sisson’s The Primal Blueprint, Robb Wolf’s The Paleo Solution, Melissa & Dallas Hartwig’s It Starts with Food, and many more.
Nutrition counseling – did you know your membership includes basic nutrition counseling? Once a month, you can send Lis a three-day food log to get her evaluation and feedback. Email Lis and she’ll send you the Google document for you to track everything you eat/drink, moods, sleep and activity over three days.
Paleo Night at Urban Pl8 – it’s next week. Join us Tuesday night, 7/31 at 8:30 pm for a delicious four-course paleo meal at Urban Pl8, to see how delicious paleo eating can be! Sign up for dinner in the gym or by emailing Alicia.
Food as Fuel – Saturday, August 11th, 12-1:30 – free to members, $25 for guests. We offer this workshop every other month to help you make better nutrition choices, teach you grocery shopping tips, what to order at a restaurant and other ways to make eating WHOLE FOODS a habit.

***CrossFit acronyms decoded: WOD – Workout of the Day; AMRAP – As many rounds/reps as possible; 3RM – 3 rep max (in weightlifting, the maximum amount of weight you can lift for three consecutive repetitions).

Bri, Carolyn and Matt C on power cleans.

Workout of the Day

3 sets of 10 strict press, rest 3:00
3 Rds (1 minute round, 1 minute rest):
5 wall balls
10 kb swings
20 double unders or singles
4 min rest
3 more rounds (1 minute round, 1 minute rest):
5 wall balls
10 kb swings
20 double unders or singles

-Select medicine ball, kettlebell and jump rope modifications based on a goal of a 1:00 round.
-If you cannot complete 20 double unders unbroken (or with no more than 1 break), do singles.
-If you do singles, you will complete 5 wall balls, 10 kettlebell swings, and then jump rope for the remainder of the minute.

-After each round, rest one minute… with the exception of round 3 (four minutes rest between Rd 3 & Rd 4). Complete six total rounds.

Don’t worry, we’ll explain in class!

WED 07.25.12 Read More »


What a great showing for Hooverball yesterday! Congrats to the team of Fred, Jon, Cameron and Scott for winning the round robin tournament. Come on out next week for more fun Sunday at Piedmont Park!

Class Levels

Beginning this week, we’re enforcing class levels. Starting Tuesday, 6/26, the 7PM TUESDAY, 6PM WEDNESDAY and 5PM THURSDAY classes will be for Beginners. These classes will focus on fundamental movements and we’ll do a scaled or modified version of the daily WOD. If you are an advanced athlete, you’re welcome to attend this class for some “back to basics” work, or you can attend a different class that day or take a rest day.
Refer to the schedule on the website or email Lis with questions.

Paleo Night at Urban Pl8

Tomorrow is Paleo Night. Post in the comments if you want to join the CFM table at Urban Pl8 for a delicious four-course paleo meal for just $25. We’ll make an 8:30 reservation so people can head straight there after the 7pm class.

Workout of the Day – CrossFit Total

1 Rep Max Back Squat
1 Rep Max Strict Press
1 Rep Max Deadlift
Add up your three lifts for your score.

MON 06.25.12 CROSSFIT TOTAL Read More »

Good News:

Welcome to Graham!
Great job to Marshall on his first class today, and to Tess on making it back for her second class. CONGRATS to Dyer on a new power snatch PR! Everyone is making HUGE progress at the Olympic lifts. Remember we’ll focus on these every Thursday.


Next week we’ll place an order for gymnastics grips from Again Faster. Many of you have complained about sore hands and calluses. Use of gloves or grips is a personal preference. I usually train bare-handed with some tape, but I like these grips for high rep pull-up/toes-to-bar/knees-to-elbows, or barbell/kettlebell work if my hands are already tender.
Shoot Lis an email if you’re interested in ordering a pair (check out the link above first for how to measure/determine your size). We may get a price break on quantity, but I’ll confirm once I know for sure…they’ll likely be in the $15-25 price range.

Class Levels

Beginning next week, we’ll be enforcing class levels. Starting Tuesday, 6/26, the 7PM TUESDAY, 6PM WEDNESDAY and 5PM THURSDAY classes will be for Beginners. These classes will focus on fundamental movements and we’ll do a scaled or modified version of the daily WOD. If you are an advanced athlete, you’re welcome to attend this class for some “back to basics” work, or you can attend a different class that day or take a rest day.
Refer to the schedule on the website or email Lis with questions.

Paleo Night at Urban Pl8

Next Tuesday is Paleo Night. Post in the comments if you want to join the CFM table at Urban Pl8 for a delicious four-course paleo meal for just $25. We’ll make an 8:30 reservation so people can head straight there after the 7pm class.

CrossFit Midtown is excited to become community partners with lululemon howell mill.

Workout of the Day – SNATCH

Part 1: Work to a heavy power snatch single (1 rep) in 10 minutes.
Part 2: Using 80% of Part 1 weight, perform three sets of power snatch clusters:
(1 rep, then rest 10 seconds, then 1 rep, then rest 10 seconds, then 1 last rep)
Rest two minutes between sets.
Beginner WOD: Snatch intro, skill work, practice

Here are some pretty awesome snatches:

THURS 6.21.12 Read More »

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