Welcome to Dale, Jared, John H, Lucinda, Mary Anne, Scott D and Tiffany!
Paleo Night
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Paleo Night last night at Urban Pl8. Our party of 14 enjoyed a delicious dinner: Summer heirloom tomato salad with avocado, red onion, green olives, basil, and garlic vinaigrette, Puerto Rican beef stuffed roasted red bell pepper with basil oil, grilled hangar steak with grilled asparagus, tomatoes, and Vidalia onion with sweet pepper relish, and Paleo chocolate pudding.
Paleo night is held the last Tuesday of every month, so mark your calendars now to join the CFM crew for the next one on July 31st!
July 4th Holiday Schedule
CFM will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th. The 6 and 7 am classes will also be cancelled on Thursday, July 5th. All other classes next week will be held as regularly scheduled.
We’ll post a no-equipment-needed WOD on Tuesday in case you wish to get moving on your own on the 4th.
Athlete Profile – Drew Vabulas AKA VABS
Hometown: I call Atlanta home now.
Age: 30
Occupation: Jack of all trades at IBIS Inc.
When did you first start CrossFitting? 2010 with Sealfit
Favorite WOD: Grace
Least Favorite WOD: Anything with bodyweight
Three words to describe you: Loyal, Outgoing, Competitive
Tell us about your sports & fitness background: I played college and pro baseball, college football, and I am now a professional kickballer.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first
WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? First WOD was 500 air squats for time with SealFit. Freaked me out, couldn’t workout for 3 days after.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? I have seen a lot of changes. I was in the best shape of my life up until surgery. And now I am seeing more size being put on (muscle).
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? Meeting some great friends, really understanding how to feed yourself and what you put in your body really effects your attitude, your looks, and how you feel.
Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/CFM moments: Any competition, when people get behind you (even who you are competing against) to see you succeed.
Any advice for people just getting started? Stick with it and listen. Form is everything.
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Work, work, work.
What did you eat today? So far I have had 16 oz of chicken, an orange, and some lettuce.
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? PALEO! On the band wagon!

Workout of the Day
10 minutes handstand skill practice
3 Rounds, NOT FOR TIME:
20 kettlebell walking lunges
20 ring rows or supine ring pull ups
20 plyo push ups
CASH OUT: 100 hollow rocks
"Stick with it and listen. Form is everything." Love you Drew Vabulas! Thanks for giving your all every day and doing your best… your form has come/is coming a long way. Keep up the mobility work!
And thanks for being a part of the CFM family. I love the community we're building here… even when you tease/give me hell like a pesky brother. That's right, I called you pesky. 🙂
Thanks for the shout out Lis! I appreciate it, long way to go, but you guys are keeping me in check!!
Anytime, I'll keep you in check too!
Nice profile, Vabs! Funny, I thought the three words you would've chosen to describe yourself would've been quiet, reserved and teetotaler. I always have a good time when Vabs is in the gym.
Welcome to all the new members, looking forward to working out with you guys! Hope to meet some of you tomorrow morning.
Great class last night at 7 pm! I think there were 11 people killing FGB. That was fun. Sorry to miss paleo night at urban pl8. But, I did get to see Carlos hit 3 PRs (clean and jerk, squat clean and deadlift).
thanks Dyer! I appreciate that.
Hey, I mentioned this recipe last night at Paleo night. I am trying it out this weekend, but thought I would share.
Skipper, I have a "friend" who is curious about getting body fat tested. Reducing his % is part of his goals. Do you know where I might point my "friend" to for testing?
I am coming tonight at 7! Beach Body!