Remember to bring your TOYS FOR TOTS donations this week!
CFM is collecting new, unwrapped toys to donate to Toys for Tots this holiday season. Please donate!
Holiday schedule
This week CFM will hold all classes as regularly scheduled, including Class #4 of our gymnastics series tomorrow night at 8 with Aimee, and yoga on Thursday night at 8:15 with Monica. Next week, we’ll close a few days for the holidays, and run a skeleton schedule in between, so that Lis can take a week off to visit family and take a short vacation.
Next week’s schedule:
Mon, 12/24 Christmas Eve – Closed
Tues, 12/25 Christmas – Closed
Wed, 12/26 – classes at 12n & 6pm ONLY
Thurs, 12/27 – classes at 12n & 6pm ONLY
Fri, 12/28 – classes at 12n & 6pm ONLY
Sat, 12/29 – Open gym 10a-12noon
Mon, 12/31 New Years Eve – Closed
Tues, 1/1 New Years Day – Closed
Wed, 1/2 – Return to regular schedule
Holiday training specials with Lindsay
Many of you have met crazy Lindsay B, who will soon become part of the CFM coaching staff. I first met Lindsay when we worked together as trainers at FitWit. Her enthusiasm is contagious! Lindsay is a personal trainer, former UNC track star and child gymnast.
This holiday season CFM is offering special one-on-one training packages with Lindsay. Work with Lindsay on your CrossFit basics, gymnastics or track/running skillwork. All packages include a preliminary email consultation and goal-setting. These packages can be purchased for yourself or as a gift for anyone (someone curious about CrossFit but leery of hopping right into group classes, perhaps???).
Packages are $200 for 8 one-hour sessions, $250 for 12 one-hour sessions, and $300 for 16 one-hour sessions. Email us for more details.
Some highlights from yesterday’s Hooverball fun
Workout of the Day:
A1. 3 rounds of weighted high box step-ups 8-10, 30sec rest
A2. 3 rounds of kettlebell or dumbbell seated press @3110 tempo 10-12 reps, 90sec rest
B. 5 rounds of:
60 seconds forward leaning rest (rings or parallettes)
20 ball slams
15 wall balls
2min rest
And coming tomorrow…
A. Max effort box jump in 15min
B. Hang Power Clean 3 sets of 5, rest 2min
C. 5 rounds for time:
6 hang power cleans 95#/65#
9 burpees
Hey guys, a friend of mine has recently created the 100 Dollar Tip Challenge. It's an awesome way to really take in the meaning of the holiday season and give an incredible gift to someone else. Check it out and read about it (and my $100 tip story) on their website at Maybe divide it up with some friends. I promise it's worth it though!
Hey guys, a friend of mine has recently created the 100 Dollar Tip Challenge. It's an awesome way to really take in the meaning of the holiday season and give an incredible gift to someone else. Check it out and read about it (and my $100 tip story) on their website at Maybe divide it up with some friends. I promise it's worth it though!
Carlos, will the snorting on the video get included in the HQ final version! 🙂
Carlos, will the snorting on the video get included in the HQ final version! 🙂
Hey, if you are thinking of skipping today bc you don't think today's workout looks that hard. I strongly suggest you give it a try. Miserable. Just ask Shaylyn and Ellen.