Upcoming Events
Friday, March 3rd Friday Night Lights (FNL) for Workout 23.3 kicks off at 6 pm! Come cheer on each other Friday evening as well complete the 3rd and final Open Workout. The theme for the 3rd week of FNL is Marvel’s Avengers. Wear your superhero Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, or Captain America team colors, apparel, or costumes for your spirt on Friday night!
FNL Spirit Themes
Friday 2/17 for 23.1: Red, White, and CFM Blue
Friday 2/24 for 23.2: Hawaiian Luau
Friday 3/3 for 23.3: Marvel’s Avengers
Thursday, March 16th CFM Bring-A-Friend Day! Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Send us their full name, contact email and the time you will be attending to reserve their spot in advance. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!
Today’s schedule
6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:00a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Javi
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Javi
6:00p: Doors Open for FNL! Heats start at 6:30p
Workout of the Day (WOD)
Open Test 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
• 5 wall walks
• 50 double-unders
• 15 snatches (95/65)
• 5 wall walks
• 50 double-unders
• 12 snatches (135/95)
*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
• 20 strict handstand push-ups
• 50 double-unders
• 9 snatches (185/125)
*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
• 20 strict handstand push-ups
• 50 double-unders
• 6 snatches (225/155)
Post time for the WOD or total reps completed. Include tiebreak time to finish the final set of snatches.
Ex: 210, 5:10 Rx
And coming Saturday…
A. Clean & Jerk
In 8 minutes work up to a heavy clean and jerk single
B. Partner WOD
Clean & Jerk (185/125 lb)
Synchronized Sit-ups
Synchronized Box Jump-Overs (24/20 in)
-Continue adding 5 reps to each movement at the end of the round.
-Partners can split up the clean and jerks as needed.
Post load for C&J and rounds and reps for the AMRAP.
235#, 4+18 Rx.
Saturday Schedule
8:30a: Open Gym- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Michael
And coming Sunday…
3 Rounds For Cals and Reps:
4:00 Cal Row
2:00 Ring Muscle Ups
2:00 Minutes Rest
Post total cals and reps completed. Ex: 232, 22 Rx.
Sunday Schedule
9a: Weightlifting- David
11a: All Levels CrossFit- Adam
12n: Yoga- Rue