Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Deadlift: In 12 minutes work up to a heavy set of 7 unbroken.
B. 3 Rounds For Time [15 minute time cap]:
60 Double-Unders
30 Wallballs (20/14) to 10ft
15 Deadlifts (185/125) or (65% Part A.)
Post load for Deadlift and time to complete WOD Ex: 295#, 9:45 Rx
And coming Saturday…
9am and 10am Class: Partner WOD
Team of 2
20 minute AMRAP with Static Holds
20 Pullups while partner holds elbow plank
10 Power Cleans (135/95) while partner dead hangs on pullup bar
200m Run
All reps are team totals. One partner working at a time while the other is in a static hold. Both partners run at the same time and once both are finished they may start the next round.
Score is total number of pullups and power cleans completed (30 points per round). Ex: 189 Rx.
11am Class: Lurong “Nautical Nancy”
Click here for complete WOD details.

Click here to reserve your spot for yoga
Saturday Schedule
9a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Ellen
11a: All Levels CrossFit/Lurong “Nautical Nancy”- Ellen
12:15p: Yoga- Monica Miller Click here to reserve
Sunday Schedule
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Dyer
11a: Open Gym- Dyer
12:15p: Yoga- Annie Harbison. Click here to reserve