

Heel cord mobility

by Coach Khaki
Every so often we hear a horror story about box jumps or running causing a ruptured Achilles tendon (or heel cord). It sounds awful!
So, what can we do to prevent that?
For starters, we need to make sure that we maintain a flexible heel cord. This helps us not only avoid injuries like mentioned already, but also helps us to achieve a better squat position, which translates nicely into our Olympic lifts.
Check out this video by K-star, give this a try (yeah, it hurts, I know), and see how much better those squats get:

IMG_7268Mary & Arielle crushing Helen Prelims. Who will improve most and win prizes on Saturday at the Finals Party? Thanks to our prize donors Vita-Coco, Big Peach Running Company – Midtown, Parq, The Nook, Rira & CFM student Vanessa/pink80sgirl for donating prizes!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Bench press: 5-5-5+ @ 70%
B. “Cindy”
As many rounds as possible in 20 mins:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

And coming tomorrow…

Team WOD at 9a & 10a
TO HELEN BACK FINALS at 11a! Join us at 12n for the Awards & Finals Party! Like your finals parties in college. Only with sweet potato chips.

Sunday WOD

12:00 WOD:
10 power clean and jerk @ 60% 1RM
10 dips
90 yard shuttle sprint (15 yards out and back, then 30 yards out and back)
8 power clean and jerk – same weight
8 dips
90 yard shuttle
6 Power clean and jerk
6 dips
90 yard shuttle
4 Power clean and jerk
4 dips
90 yard shuttle
2 Power clean and jerk
2 dips
90 yard shuttle

1:00 TO 2:00 OPEN GYM

FRI 08.09.13 Protect those heel cords! Read More »

Athlete Profile: Ester K

Hometown: Marietta, GA
Age: 27
Occupation: Event Marketing
Three words to describe you: loyal, competitive, adventurous
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? coaching volleyball, playing volleyball, basketball and tennis, concerts, traveling and EATING
When did you first start CrossFitting?: February 2013 (6 months ago)
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? What made you try it? My best friend was doing it and he suggested I try. He told me that my competitive nature and the fact that I really enjoy working out and pushing myself, that it would be a great fit for me. I’ve always been in the gym and/or active whether it’s crosstraining, running, playing sports, lifting, etc, but it’s a different kind of workout that I’ve never tried. So, I figure I would give CrossFit and shot, and I have really enjoyed my experience with it.
Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? I have no clue what it was exactly, but I know it involved pull-up and me using a green band. I felt silly watching everyone else not use and band while I was struggling just to get my foot in it. HA! Well, I made it a goal to get out of bands by week 6–thanks to Cassie always riding my ass.
Favorite WOD: People have favorites? I guess I like the ones that require more endurance. I’m not always the strongest, but I think I do better when the WOD requires some endurance to finish strong.
Least Favorite WOD: Angie
Sports & fitness background: volleyball and basketball athlete, other than that, I just love working out. Well, maybe not love, but don’t feel as gross if I do 🙂
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? Definitely stronger. I feel a more all-round fit–endurance, strength with weight and against body weight, and technically sound.
What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I always thought I was competitive against others, but I’ve found that I’m more competitive against myself than anything. For example, I’m mad at myself if I could’ve pushed harder or gotten a better time–not because of anyone else doing better or more, but because when I’m finished I like to know that I couldn’t have given any more than I did…UNLESS it has to do with maxes…I HATE lifting heavy for some reason.
Favorite CFM moments: First strict pull-up!
Any advice for people just getting started? Do what you can as best as you can, and you will gradually start to see the difference. Let the coaches push you, you’ll be amazed at what your body is actually capable of as opposed to what you think you are capable of.
Do you follow the paleo or primal lifestyle? What is your nutrition philosophy? Umm, no. Nutrition philosophy?…I don’t work out to be a stick (obviously haha), I workout so I can eat and be merry 🙂
What did you eat today? Smoothie in the morning; taco salad with no chips or tortilla, just ground turkey meat, black beans, lettuce and salsa; some cherries; dinner has not happened yet. Since I’m writing this on a Friday, I’m sure dinner will be somewhat unhealthy. Dang it!
IMG_3292 (1)Here’s the most recognizable part of Ester. She’s that chick with great legs who usually trains in the early evening classes. We’re about to see less of Ester as she takes some time off to coach the St. Pius girls’ volleyball team. Good luck this season!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Overhead squat: 5-5-5+
B. Complete 8 rounds:3 Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
3 Broad Jumps for max distance
*Once you finish power cleans, perform 3 broad jumps for max distance. 
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

And coming tomorrow

A. Bench press: 5-5-5+ @70%
B. “Cindy” As many rounds as possible in 20 mins:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

THURS 08.08.13 Athlete Profile: Ester K Read More »

To Helen Back Finals this Sat: NO 11A CLASS!

Come cheer on your CFM buddies in the To Helen Back Finals this Saturday at 11am! Challengers, check your inbox for an email from Lis with more info.
Email Tirzah to confirm your heat time – 11a (10:40 warm-up), 11:20a (11 warm-up), or 11:40a (11:20 warm-up). Warm-ups will be led by ITP student, Czarlos.

Free workout at Fab’rik tonight at 6!

Join Lis for a free bodyweight WOD, every Wednesday at 6p next door at Fab’rik… break a sweat, then reward yourself with a glass of wine (thanks to Fab’rik!) and shop their duds for 20% off. No purchase required… just come break a sweat with us!

STRONG! screening & PRIDE fundraiser is next Fri, Aug 16

Help us support the Atlanta PRIDE committee as we celebrate our new Olympic Lifting coach Cheryl Haworth. Get your tickets here – NOW just a $5 donation to join the fun!

POSE Running seminar rescheduled for Aug 17

We pushed the POSE running seminar back to Saturday, August 17th. Join Coach Amy for an hour of skills & drills practice to make you a more efficient runner! Register here by Tues, 8/13 to get the EARLY BIRD discount of $15 ($20 after Tuesday; $25 for CFM guests).

More events:

Coming soon: Self-Defense 101 with Coach Walter: Join Walter for a one-hour introduction to self-defense. Learn to defend yourself on the mean streets of Midtown!
Bring-a-Friend Days are Thurs 8/22, Fri 8/23 & Sat 8/24! Invite your friends to join us for any class these three days, by emailing FRIENDS at crossfit midtown dot com.

IMG_7317Good luck to Sarabess and all the other To Helen Back challengers at Finals this Saturday!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A1. Ring dips/dips: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
A2. Chin ups: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
B. Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes:
Rd 1, 4, 7: Run 200m
Rd 2, 5, 8: 12 KB swings
Rd 3, 6, 9: 6 Pull ups

And coming tomorrow

A. Overhead squat: 5-5-5+
B. Complete 8 rounds:
3 Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
3 Broad Jumps for max distance
*Once you finish power cleans, perform 3 broad jumps for max distance. 
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

WED 8.7.13 Upcoming Events Read More »

Nationals recap

Last month I competed in the USAPL Nationals in Orlando, FL. It was my third powerlifting meet.
The week before the meet, my coach asked me: “So what are your plans after the meet?”
I wasn’t sure. For June and most of July leading up to the meet, I ONLY trained at powerlifting. I missed CrossFit. I told him I wanted to get through the meet, see how I do and decide after that. He recommended I consider training for the state meet in November. I promised to think about it.
I had so much fun at the meet. I felt more mentally & physically prepared than I had for the other two meets I’d done. In past meets, I let nerves get the best of me. This time I looked at it differently: it’s okay to be nervous. Use the adrenaline to your advantage. Let the butterflies help you lift the bar. Yes, I realize that’s a super silly visual, but it worked.
In powerlifting, you get three attempts at each lift… first is back squat, then bench press, then deadlift.
I trusted my coach to choose the weights I would attempt to lift. Each of my opening attempts were at easy weights I was very confident I could lift. After that, Coach Josh would decide my second and third attempts. Since I’m terrible at doing kilogram to pounds conversions in my head, I didn’t bother trying. I just trusted that Josh knew what I could do, so I just went out there and lifted.
I made all three of my back squat attempts. Before my last lift, he told me “you’re gonna have to stay tight and just keep pushing.” Got it, coach. I knew I’d probably be attempting a PR. I made the lift, and set a new personal best of 292#. This was the 4th best squat in my division.
On bench press, I made my first attempt easily. My second attempt at 143# was my old PR. I made that attempt so easily that Josh decided to take a big jump for my 3rd attempt (to 159#). I got caught off guard for the lift when my turn came up sooner than I was expecting, so I was a little flustered going into it. I failed the attempted, stalling out after pressing the bar about two inches off my chest. That stupid lift haunts me. If I’d made that attempt, I would have placed 5th in the meet. Oh well, time to deadlift.
I pulled the first attempt with no problem. I took a little longer to set up on lift #2, but made that one as well. Josh’s friend Jeremy was helping him coach since Josh had so many lifters in the meet. Jeremy helped me warm up and tried to keep me calm between attempts. He hyped me up for the last attempt… even gave me a little head butt. Powerlifting is weird.
When I walked out to attempt my third deadlift, and final lift of the meet, I had no idea I was attemping a 10# PR. As I approached the bar, Coach Josh yelled: “OPPORTUNITY!”
I fought like hell to make the lift. I still haven’t seen the replay, but it felt like it took ten seconds from start to finish. I DID IT! *FIST PUMP* I ran off the platform to a big bear hug from Josh and Jeremy.
They told me then that the “opportunity” Josh screamed about was the Arnold. With my final deadlift, I achieved a qualifying total to be invited to lift at the Arnold in early March. The Arnold Sports Festival is the largest multi-sport event in the nation. And the Arnold USA Powerlifting Championships features the best male and female powerlifters in the United States. No. Big. Deal.
I set new PRs in squat (292#), deadlift (352#) and total (787#). I have a TON of room for improvement on bench press. I came in 8th of 35, and set a new Georgia state record in the back squat (for those keeping score at home, I now hold four state records :)).
Two days later, I sent Coach Josh a text message: Okay, I’m in. Let’s train for the state meet and the Arnold. Game on.
The state meet will be held up the road in Norcross on Saturday, November 9th. I hope you’ll come cheer me on.
photo-2 copy 2Antony crushing deadlifts!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Deadlift:5-5-5+
B. High hang snatch: 3-2-1-3-2-1
C. As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 wall balls 20/14
2 muscle ups (OR 6 pull ups & 6 dips)

And coming tomorrow…

A1. Ring dips/dips: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
A2. Chin ups: 3 sets max reps STRICT, rest/mobilize 2 min
B. Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes:
Rd 1, 4, 7: Run 200m
Rd 2, 5, 8: 12 KB swings
Rd 3, 6, 9: 6 Pull ups

TUES 8.6.13 USAPL Raw Nationals recap from Lis Read More »

August programming

Congrats to all who set new PRs (personal records) last month during our testing sessions!
Given the great results people achieved, we’re following a similar strength cycle again this quarter. Our lifting will be based on a modified Wendler/linear progression plan, when each final set will be a “burnout” or to-failure set when you do something like 5+ reps…
5+ means you’re shooting for 5 reps, then doing as many additional reps beyond that as possible (in the same set, without reracking the bar). The goal is somewhere in the 1 to 4 additional reps range.
Each week you’ll adjust the weight based on how many reps you got in the burnout set of the prior week.
Our lifts this month will be back squat, overhead squat, bench & strict press and deadlift. Our Olympic lifting focus is on the snatch. Other focused work will be on chin ups (supinated, or underhand, grip) and dips.
As always, track your workouts so you know how to adjust weight each week.
Work hard, keep a positive attitude and listen to your coaches!

imageCongrats to everyone who finished the 31 Heroes WOD on Saturday! The POSE Running seminar has been rescheduled for Saturday, August 17th, so you can still learn to run like a gazelle!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5-5-5+
B. As many rounds & reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 Box Jumps 30/24″
5 Chin ups
10 Walking Lunges

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift:5-5-5+
B. High hang snatch: 3-2-1-3-2-1
C. As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 wall balls 20/14
2 muscle ups (OR 6 pull ups & 6 dips)

MON 08.05.13 August programming Read More »

The Pose Method® of running

by Coach Amy
In 1990 Madonna released her hit “Vogue” that had people all over the globe striking a pose on the dance floor. But many years prior, Russian athletes were striking a different kind of pose on the track, using a running method now simply known as “Pose”.
The Pose Method® style of running was created in 1977 by Russian scientist and track team coach Nicholas Romanov. The Pose Method teaches how to move the body through a series of poses using the least amount of effort, becoming more efficient and effective. Pose running is scientifically proven to reduce 50% of impact on the knees…as long as you do it correctly!

Here are some basic tips to get you started on your Pose journey:
1. Strike a pose by creating an “S” shape though the body. There is a slight lean forward with a small bend in 3 key areas: hips, knees and ankles. The “S” shape and the small bends create a springiness in the body which help to propel you forward. Remember – springiness does not equal muscular tension. Just relax!
2. Landing on the ball of the foot while in your “S” shape maintains the springiness of the body. Keeping your GCM (general center of mass, aka the hips) centered over the ball of the front foot helps to maintain this sense of ease and lightness as you spring along down the road.
3. As you land on the ball of your foot with your GCM centered properly, think about PULLING your front foot off the ground rather than pushing the ground away. This helps to reduce the effort of the leg muscles and decrease fatigue. And let’s face it, we want to look good but we don’t want to have to work hard while doing it.
4. Keep your strides short, quick and soft. Want to go faster, speed up the oscillations (Ooo! Fancy pants word).
5. Gravity is your friend, and you shouldn’t fight with your friends. Just allow gravity to do its job and everyone is happy.
6. Relax your face! And your shoulders! AND your arms! Imagine running with a potato chip between your thumb and first finger and not breaking it. And for you Paleo folks, imagine a kale chip instead.
7. The angle and speed of the arm swing is related to the cadence and speed of the run. BLADES! And “chin to hip”. (Shameless self plug…come to the workshop on Saturday and you’ll understand what those two things mean. Muuuahahaaaa)
As you move your body through the series of poses, you begin to create a pattern of effortless running. But remember, most of the poses are a result, not a cause, of proper body POSE-itioning. Haha, did you see what I did there? I inserted Pose® running into “positioning”. Yes? No? Ok…
So strap on your running shoes, channel your inner Madonna (or Russian athlete) and hit the road feeling light and springy and strike a Pose®!
Join Amy Saturday at 9:30 for a one-hour POSE workshop to become a more efficient, faster runner! Cost is $20 for CFM students or $15 for CFM Helen Challengers ($25 for non-members). Register here.

971376_10151555673501732_853555946_nLis is back from her vacay to the CrossFit Games & elsewhere! Join her & the rest of your CFM peeps tonight at Parq on Piedmont for Happy Hour from 6 to 8p!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Goat work Choose a skill or lift to work on for 10 minutes (with your coach’s help!)
B. “Jackie” For time:
1000 meter row
50 thrusters 45/35
30 pull-ups

And coming tomorrow…“31 Heroes”

As many rounds & reps as possible in 31 minutes:
(choose your version)
8 Thrusters (Rx weight is 155/105#, scale as needed)
6 Rope Climbs (scaled do 12 ring rows)
11 Box Jumps (Rx: 30/24″, scale box height as needed)
This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a sandbag or kettlebell (Rx: 45/25, scale weight as needed). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag/kettlebell and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.
Score is your total # of reps

This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team. In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitter’s “moment of silence.” This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.

FRI 08.02.13 POSE Running Read More »

Athlete Profile: Kelli O

aka KO, Kel, Kelsers, BBPF
Hometown: Originally from Mobile, AL. Just to beat you to it: An Alabama State trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-20. He says to the driver, “Got any ID?” The driver says, “Bout what?”
To my credit, I grew up just outside of Atlanta and have lived in Midtown for over a decade.
Age: Apparently ladies don’t reveal their age… I’m 29 and holding.
Occupation: Corporate Zookeeper aka HR Manager
Three words to describe you: Because I’m so incredibly shy, I asked my friends to answer this question. Because I’m humble, I’m going to share ALL of their responses : ) – Caring, Witty, Awesome, Amazeballs, SassyPants, Bright, Sincere, Happy Go Lucky, Positive, Funny, Loyal, Energetic, Empathetic, Adventurous, Ambitious, Outgoing, Friendly, Smart, Vivacious, Considerate, Family Oriented, Cheerful, Positive, Humorous, Charismatic, Engaging, and most importantly, BBPF.
Editor’s note: Former CFM student Charles Barkley (yes, THE Sir Charles) once asked about Kelli, referring to her as “that pretty brown-haired girl… big booty, pretty face.” Hence, the BBPF nickname
What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? As many of my FB friends know, I have a knack for finding random, entertaining videos/pics on the interwebs. I’m also dangerous with my iPhone camera, PhotoShop (see below), and video editing. I believe you are all familiar with my work on the Prancercise video.
Other talents: when you really get me laughing, I sound like a seal (or the guy from Revenge of the Nerds, but seals are cuter); I can give anyone a run for their money on “Aunt of the Year” – I have 5 nephews and a niece under the age of 6.
When did you first start CrossFitting?: I joined CF Peachtree in 2010, but I started a new job with long hours and then I injured my ankle playing soccer so my CF career was cut short. After surgery, lots of physical therapy, and a personal trainer to help me to gain confidence in the weight room again, I came back to CrossFit here at CFM.
How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? What made you try it? I blame Christine Wilson. I heard there were hot guys who worked out with their shirts off and any girl can appreciate a little eye candy. In all seriousness though, I just wanted to get stronger.
Favorite WOD: Is there such a thing? I’d much prefer a TWOD especially to “Don’t Drop That Thun Thun Thun”. (Please see Lis’ FB wall for an example… & the T stands for “twerk”)
Least Favorite WOD: Kelly – Probably just because they don’t even know how to spell it correctly. Everyone knows that “Y” is a bullsh*t letter.
Sports & fitness background: Grew up playing soccer & basketball, but was also a swimmer and dancer. My mom liked to see me take dance because it allowed me to be girly (I have 3 older brothers). My dad liked the fact that I took dance because it helped me on the soccer field. These days, it just helps me coach/choreograph prancercise routines.
What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? A picture is worth a thousand words:
photo (3)Both Kelli & her minime have undergone drastic transformations since starting CrossFit… THAT, or Kelli really does have a PhotoShop habit. You decide.

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I laugh more, sweat more, and am way more sore… However, I wouldn’t say that any of that is unexpected.
Favorite CFM moments: A) Filming the Prancercise video…everything about that day. B) Falling off the stationary dip bar when I got distracted because someone took off his shirt – Glad Christine was there to watch and laugh at me.
Note: if you take your shirt off, I will look – I have no shame. It’s totally platonic. Moreover, if I laugh when you take your shirt off, it’s because I’m thinking back to falling… I’m not actually laughing at you.
Any advice for people just getting started? Just have fun! Go at your own pace and learn the correct form from the beginning. (Easier said than done!)

IMG_7299Dan rocking out kettlebell swings during To Helen Back prelims.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back squat: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. 6 rounds for time:
200m run
10 kettlebell swings
5 pull ups

And coming tomorrow…

A. Deadlift: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. Skill: 10 mins of muscle up skill work OR
EMOM 10: 3 muscle ups
C. 3 rounds: Accumulate 1 min each in center, L & R side plank

WED 7.17.13 Athlete Profile: Kelli O Read More »

Vacation season is upon us

Yes, I’m thrilled to take two weeks COMPLETELY away from CrossFit Midtown beginning tomorrow, to recharge my batteries, let my coaching-raspy voice recover, and relaaaaaaaax.
Sure, some of you have given me a hard time over whether this is a “REAL” vacation. To many of you, competing in a powerlifting meet, attending the CrossFit Games, and going to a BIZ seminar sounds a lot like I’ll still be working while I’m away. Well… yes and no.
I look forward to vegging out for a few days here in Midtown, away from the gym, visiting my family – and YES, I even look forward to competing and to attending the CrossFit Games and to catching up with all my colleagues at the BIZ seminar. I also have two massages, two acupuncture visits, a pedicure, and some beach & pool time on the agenda!
As I’ve met with some CFM students in the past week about your goals & accountability, I found myself setting a goal of my own with Allyson B. When we say down to discuss her goals, we chatted about the trip she & Brandon are taking next month to Machu Picchu. Right then & there, I committed to her that beginning in 2014, I’ll plan an international vacation to begin crossing places-to-go off my bucket list. I still need to narrow down the where, but step 1 is the HOW – for starters, WITH A PASSPORT. Time to renew that bad boy.
What’s on your bucket list and what’s a small step you can take THIS MONTH to get closer to achieving it?

Speaking of bucket list, congrats to CFM’s resident DJ POB on checking a goal off his bucket list and getting engaged to his girl Kat (a former CFMer) earlier this month. We’re so happy for you guys!

tirzahJustin leads ITP through the workout last weekend. Congrats on getting your CrossFit Level 1 Certification, Justin!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Overhead squat: 10 mins to find 1 rep max
B. EMOM 10: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes: perform a standing double broad jump, then 3 snatches at 65% of 1RM
*Double broad jump is two consecutive broad jumps focusing on minimizing ground contact time between jumps.
*You must try to cover as much ground as possible with your broad jump.
*Minimum distance is double your height (mark the floor!)
*For each round you do not jump the minimum distance, perform 5 barbell roll outs after the workout.

Gymnastics class tonight at 8p!

A. Skill Work: Kipping Pull-up Progressions
10 Strict Toes to Bar
10 Strict HSPU
10 Strict Ring Dips
10 Superman Rocks

And coming tomorrow…

A. Back squat: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. 6 rounds for time:
200m run
10 kettlebell swings
5 pull ups

TUES 7.16.13 Holiday rooooooooooad! Read More »

The next Cocktails for Midtown is tonight!

Join your CFM friends tonight at Front Page News on Crescent Ave, from 6 to 8pm for a little post-Fran refreshment!

Body composition testing

Every quarter during Quarterly Progress Check week, we bring out the DUNK TRUCK to measure your body composition. This is the best way to measure your physique changes as you morph into a CrossFitting MACHINE! The truck will be parked across the street from CFM, testing clients every 15 minutes from 4 to 6:30p. Tests are $30 and include accurate body weight & body composition measurements. Register here.

Quarterly Progress Checks & Baseline retesting is coming soon…

Lots of important testing dates this month! If you miss a day, we’ve got plenty of make-up opportunities! Here’s another update on our upcoming testing days & options:
Sun, July 21-Sat, July 28th: Quarterly Progress Checks*:
Retest your Baseline WOD this month! Instead of testing in regular classes, like we’ve done in the past, you’ll be able to come in during any of the following times to retest your Baseline time with one of our coaches or Instructor Training Program students. This doesn’t count against your class limits for the week.
Baseline testing:
Sun 7.21 1-2p w Dyer
Mon 7.22 6p w Justin
Mon 7.22 8p w Carlos
Tues 7.23 6p w Ian
Tues 7.23 7p w Urán
Fri 7.26 6p w Tirzah
Sat 7.27 9-12n w Cassie & Beka
Sun 7.28 1-2p w Dyer
Here’s another look at the upcoming Quarterly Progress Check programming:
Mon 7.22- 5 rounds for time: 7 handstand push ups, 14 pistols, 21 double unders
Tues 7.23- Olympic Total (1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean & Jerk)
Wed 7.24- 1RM Weighted Pull Up & For time: 250m row, 15 kb swings 70/53, 25 burpees, 15 kb swings, 250m row
Thurs 7.25- As many rounds & reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 20 thrusters 135#/95#, 20 pullups, 20 burpees
Fri 7.26- CrossFit Total (1RM Squat, 1RM Press, 1RM Deadlift) & AirDyne 1 min max calories test
*Makeup Days will be Sunday, 7/21, Saturday, 7/28 & Sunday, 7/29.

Cheryl Haworth will be running Olympic Lifting Open Gym again on Saturday, 7.28, for anyone who wants to do Olympic Total that day with her!

We’re also maxing on front squat, overhead squat and bench press this month, so if you miss/missed that day, make it up at Open Gym!
IMG_7286Ellen showing off some great pull ups during Helen prelims.

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. Back Squat 3-3-3 @ 80%
B. “Fran”
Thrusters 95/65
Pull ups

And coming tomorrow…

A. Strength make up day: Pick a PART A that you missed from last week’s programming.
B. In teams of 3 or 4:
Station 1- 50 situps
Station 2- 50 double unders or 150 singles
Station 3- 50 wall balls 20/14
Station 4- 400 m run
Station 5- 50 air squats
First athlete starts at station 1. Second athletes moves to station 1 once first athlete goes to station 2. Athletes can’t advance stations until station in front is clear. Time is called once the last athlete finishes Station 5.

ALSO THIS WEEK: Saturday Open Gym with Dyer & Lis from 12n-2p

FRI 7.12.13 HAPPY HOUR TONIGHT! Read More »

CFM reminders

It’s been a busy week at CFM! So it’s time for a few reminders about our policies…
1. Classes are capped at 14 students: Use your Zen Planner login/password to reserve a space in class UP TO 7 DAYS IN ADVANCE. If something comes up, you can always cancel your reservation provided you do so at least an hour ahead of time.
2. Late for class? You just earned yourself a 25-burpee warm-up! Yaaaaaay burpees :). BUT, at 10 minutes past the hour, class is “closed”…for your safety & out of respect for your classmates, if you arrive after that, you’ve missed the warm-up & workout explanation and you’ll have to wait for the next class (if applicable).
3. Don’t hijack equipment! If someone else has claimed a pull-up bar for the workout, please set up elsewhere. The same goes for snaking kettlebells, barbells, etc. We give ample set up time to make sure everyone has their own WOD station.
*There will be occasions when we ask you to channel your inner pre-schooler and share equipment.
4. This is not social hour. We’re SO PROUD of the community developing here at CFM. I’m glad you’ve made buddies here. BUT class time is not gossip hour. Please save the socializing for outside the gym.
5. Respect your coach. They are in charge of the class. Our first concern is safety. So if we ask you to pull some weight off the bar, it’s because your form needs some work. If we ask you to pull some weight off the bar, it’s because your form needs some work. You have entrusted CFM to help you in your quest for elite fitness, and our coaching staff is here to do just that. WE ARE NOT HERE TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND.
6. Clean up after yourself. Equipment. Gear. Water bottles. KILL CLIFF CANS. Protein spills (you know what I mean!). Sweat angels. Trash.
7. HAVE FUN! CFM is a positive place. Help us keep it that way. Have a bad day? Leave it at the front door… don’t come in complaining about it! Check your ego at the door and give yourself a pat on the back for even being here. Cut out the negative self-talk and enjoy your journey toward elite FUNctional fitness.

photo (3)Sara and David working hard through Russian kettlebell swings at 7am!

Workout of the Day (WOD)

A. 5k row time trial
B. Recovery day: 50 turkish get ups, not for time.

And coming tomorrow…

A. Back Squat: 3-3-3 @ 80%
B. “Fran”
Thursters 95/65
Pull ups

THURS 7.11.13 CFM reminders… Read More »

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