PRIDE Fundraiser: Screening of “Strong” on Fri 8.16
Join us at CFM on Friday, August 16th at 7pm for a screening of “STRONG”, a documentary about Olympian AND CFM student/coach Cheryl Haworth. Many of you have been in class with Cheryl and/or benefited from her Olympic Lifting coaching on Tuesday nights or during weekend Open Gym sessions. You may not know she’s also the topic of a critically-acclaimed documentary. We’ll be hosting a screening of the film as a fundraiser for the Atlanta Pride Committee. Suggested donation is $20. Tickets will be on sale this week… RSVP here for updates & more details.
And check out the trailer here:
Cheryl coaches Leaor on the snatch during Open Gym a few weeks ago. Several athletes have set new PRs (personal records) already, under her tutelage!
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Front Squat: In 10 min, find your 1 rep max
B. Clean & Jerk: 2-2-2
C. EMOM8: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, perform 6 power cleans & 3 thrusters 95/65
And coming tomorrow…
A. Deadlift: 5-5-5 @ 75%
B. 3 rounds for time:
21 russian kettlebell swings
12 strict pull ups
Thank you Cheryl for all the tips so far. Your making this lifting stuff easier by the moment! I look forward to watching the documentary and supporting a good cause.
And we are getting Gymnasty tonight at 8pm!
CFM Gymnastics WOD: TUE 7.09.
Skill: Kipping Pull Up Progressions.
For Quality:
10 Muscle Ups.
20 Handstand Push Ups.
125 Jump Rope Double Unders.
I'll be in Thailand! Bummed to miss the screening – but will def check out the documentary when it's released.