6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
8a: Open Gym- Travis
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Erica
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Erica
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Erica
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Erica
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Priscila Baptista
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve
Workout of the Day (WOD)
“Summertime Complex”
8 Minute AMRAP
5 Deadlifts
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
2 Shoulder to Overhead
1 Ground To Overhead
(m = 65/135/185, w = 35/85/125)
Post rounds and reps completed. Ex: 6+8 L3
And coming tomorrow…
Split Squat
4 x 5/5
21-18-15-12-9 Rep Rounds
Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Toes to bar
Post load for squats and time for the WOD. Ex: 100#, 11:09 Rx
CFM Upcoming Events
**Save the date**
Saturday, May 19th: CFM 6th Anniversary!!
Thursday, May 24th: Bring-A-Friend Day! Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!
Monday, May 28th: Memorial Day Murph at 09:00 at Piedmont Park! We have a unique opportunity to offer both a service and experience for all those who participate in the Memorial Murph WOD and share in the remembrance of an American Hero. Reserve your spot in advance here!
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana Wilson
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve
Workout of the Day (WOD)
“The Olympian Retest”
In 9 minute complete (AMRAP) as many reps as possible of Ground to Overhead (G2OH) and Bar Facing Burpees. Each round the weight will increase and the reps will decrease in the G2OH and you will have 7 Bar Facing Burpees to complete before moving on to the next round.
Level 3**
20 G2OH (95/65)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH (135/85)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH (155/105)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH (185/135)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH (225/155)
**See WOD description for Level 1 and 2.
L1: m = 20# Meball/45/65/95/115, w = 14# Medball/35/45/65/85
L2: m = 65/75/95/135/155, w = 45/55/65/95/105
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Travis
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Richard
8:15p: Tuesday Yoga- Lana Wilson
Sign up for yoga this week and next. Click here to reserve
Workout of the Day (WOD)
“The Olympian”
In 9 minutes complete (AMRAP) as many reps as possible of Ground to Overhead (G2OH) and Bar Facing Burpees. Each round the weight will increase and the reps will decrease in the G2OH and you will have 7 Bar Facing Burpees to complete before moving on to the next round.
Level 3**
20 G2OH (95/65)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
15 G2OH (135/85)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
10 G2OH (155/105)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
5 G2OH (185/135)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
AMRAP G2OH (225/155)
Tuesday, July 21st: Marc Pro Representative David Melendez will be giving free muscle recovery and activation sessions (10-30 minutes) from 6am-1pm (morning and noon classes). There will be 3 stations set up and everyone is encouraged to try out a session either before class on the warmup setting or after the WOD for a recovery session. Click here to read more. Thursday, July 23rd: Bring-A-Friend Day. All levels beginner friendly partner WOD.
Rowing, Situps, Medball Passes. Sat/Sun, July 25th & 26th: CrossFit Games Viewing. Saturday, August 1st: 9am-12 noon. 31Heroes WOD.
31Heroes WOD Hosted by CrossFit Midtown
This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team. In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitters “moment of silence.” This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.
Sign up to participate in the WOD on Saturday, August 1st from 9am-12pm. For more details and to register click here.
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
4p: Open Gym- Michael
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8p: Strength Training/Open Gym- Michael
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Front Squat: 3 sets of 5 reps. Worksets all at the same weight. Max reps in final set.
B. 3 Rounds: 1 minute each station
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps (24/20) Step downs only.
Plate Ground-to-Overhead (45/24)
200m Run + Hand release pushups (bonus)
Rest 2 minute between rounds
Post load and reps for Squat, total reps from 3 rounds. 200m Run = 1 rep: 6 reps 230#, 215 Rx.
And coming tomorrow…
A. Shoulder Press: 4 sets of 4 (80% of 5 rep max) (3-0-X-1)*
3 second negative. 0 seconds at the bottom (touch-and-go). *X = ½ second up (dynamic). 1 second hold at top.
B. 9 minute as many rounds as possible (AMRAP):
15 Double Unders
9 Air Squats
1 Rope Climb (15ft)**
**NOTE: All athletes must wear long socks or pants when climbing rope to protect their shins and prevent rope burn. Scale to 10ft rope climb 1:1, 1ft rope climb hold for 10 seconds, Knee-raise dead hang hold 10 seconds
Post load for Press. Post total rounds and reps from AMRAP. Ex: 135#, 7+10 Rx.