CrossFit Midtown is very excited to announce our August Member of the Month, Chris Brasher! Brasher has been a member for a year this month! He comes in and works, hustles and kills WODs and lifts. Read on to learn more about Brasher and his CrossFit journey. Thank you for being such an outstanding member of the CFM community!

Name: Chris Brasher
Nickname: Brasher, The Brash
Age: 37
Hometown: Smiths Station, Alabama!
How did you get exposed to CrossFit? A guy I used to work with, Koon. He was as a collegiate level baseball player, quite an athlete. Stopped showing up for lunchtime basketball during the week, saw him one day and asked why. Told me where he had been going, invited me for a Friday Hero Wod, “Carse”. The rest was history..
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps for Time
Squat Clean (95/65 lb)
Deadlift (185/135 lb)
Box Jump (24/20 in)
Start each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl

What brought you to CrossFit Midtown? The company I work for opened an office in Midtown and asked me to move. I was hoping there would be a CrossFit box nearby, so of course you know my excitement when I saw you across the street on google maps!
What was your very first day at CrossFit Midtown like? Pure pain and misery. I let out my Spartan battle cry and was only on like the 18 rep round. Seeing spots all the way through, almost passed out.

What changes have you seen in your overall health and fitness level since starting CrossFit? I don’t get tired as easily anymore, especially when it comes to lifting. Was always more of a runner, never been very strong but now the strongest I’ve ever been, can lift things I once not thought possible. More muscle, Crossfit added 20# to me but my BMI has stayed about the same. I am heavier but can still run long distances at a decent speed without getting too tired. Have a lot more energy, more drive.

What kind of changes have you you experienced since starting CrossFit that were completely unexpected (ie. new friends, “family”, the community, more self confidence, etc)? I have connected with so many people that have the same interests. Before, felt like I was all alone on an island when I first started getting into fitness. Gym was always kinda boring to me. CrossFit feels like I was the lost sheep that finally found his fold, like this is the way it was supposed to be all along. Feel like I can take on anything now.
Favorite WOD: “Nukes”
8 mins to run a mile, max 315# deadlift with remaining time, immediately into
10 mins to run a mile, max 225# cleans with remaining time, immediately into
12 mins to run a mile, max 135# ohs with remaining time
Least favorite WOD: Anything with pistol squats

Favorite CrossFit Midtown moment (doesn’t have to be during a class, just any favorite moment at CFM): Everyone meeting down at the park to do “Murph” together in May was a cool experience. The whole box showing up, suffering together for a good cause, everyone staring at us in disbelieve, amazement..really felt like family that day, then hanging out for brunch afterwards. The Lurong pool party a close 2nd.
Hobbies, Talents and or Interests Outside of CrossFit: To be clear, never have categorized myself as a “Crossfitter”. Have always said I am a runner, who likes to crossfit on the side.. 😉 I love to run. I like to play football Besides sports, I enjoy strategy and RPG type games.
Advice for new CrossFitters: Never give up. I meant every word when I said I can do things I once thought impossible. Just be patient, don’t rush the process, don’t rush your body. If you give it what it needs to repair, nutrition and rest, it will pay you rich dividends in the end. No other feeling like achieving a new lift PR or gymnastic move after months or years of work.