CrossFit Midtown is very excited to announce our January Member of the Month, Brandon Kuni! Brandon has been a member for over a year, has seen dem gains, made some awesome friends, and has been an active in the CFM community! Read on to learn more about Brandon and his CrossFit journey. Thank you for being such an outstanding member of the CFM community!

Name: Brandon Kuni
Nickname: BK
Age: 29 (30 this year woo woo)
Hometown: ATL BABY!
How did you get exposed to CrossFit?
I moved in with my brother in Vinings a couple years back, and every day I would drive by CrossFit 285 and see them doing stuff outside sometimes, I was intrigued.. My brother and I decided to sign up, the rest is history!
What brought you to CrossFit Midtown:
After moving to Midtown and taking a break from CrossFit for a while, I decided CrossFit would be a good way for me to get back into a routine with working out, as well as meeting new people since I was new to the midtown area. The location put it over the top for me, I can walk to the box from my condo and it is right in between work as well.

What was your very first day at CrossFit Midtown like?
Honestly, from the little I remember, I was impressed by the coaching and the focus on the athletes. It was a bit different as I was used to large hanger style boxs with loads of space, but I didn’t mind the space knowing classes were capped and it gave a more of an intimate vibe in the box. I wasn’t completely new to CrossFit so I had an idea of what I was walking into, but I was probably the little quiet dude that didn’t say much for the first few weeks. I didn’t do the foundations classes as I thought it was unnecessary having done CrossFit before, but I kinda regret that decision as I would’ve loved some 1-on-1 coaching from Pietsch/Mike.
What kind of changes have you you experienced since starting CrossFit that were completely unexpected?
Definitely new friends that share common goals and have a competitive, want to win mentality! I used to think I was in decent shape, but it amazes me how much progress I have accomplished since starting CrossFit. Perhaps the biggest learning experiences that I didn’t expect was getting much more knowledgeable on nutrition and starting to enjoy yoga/stretching and the importance of it! I’ve learned so much about what to eat and when to eat, how to take care of my body, mix that together with some sweaty tough workouts and I feel I’ve had a significant improvement in my quality of life: energy, confidence, performance at work, strength, etc.
Tell us some of your recent accomplishments. What goals do you have for 2019!?
I’ve crushed my dieting so far this year. Limiting drinking to 1x/week, limiting cheat meals, and really trying to follow a balanced macro nutrient ratio (with help from diet templates from RP which have been SUPER helpful). I’ve also been more committed to Yoga, going at least 1x/week which I plan to continue all year. I’ve started to log my workouts, which is a starting point for me to set more specific goals in relation to max lifts.. (Shout out to Mo for the log!!). Big goal for me this year is to get overall body fat % down and be a lean machine, but maintaining overall weight by putting on muscle.

What does your frequently used emoji tab look like?
What is your favorite workout and if you could make up your own workout what would it be?
My favorite workout is probably Murph. Something about a long, super tough wod knowing in the back of my mind that someone sacrificed their life for our country really motivates me and pushes me through (plus it’s always on Memorial Day Weekend which is SUMMER and it’s around my birthday.. Always a great time!). If I could make up my own – any long chipper that includes some double unders, toes to bar, maybe some rope climbs, some goblet squats.. Yeah something like that.
What is your favorite cheat food/meal?
Easy. Wings and buffalo chicken pizza. Say no mo.
Favorite CrossFit Midtown moment
I’ve had a lot! First time competing at the in-house competition was awesome! I also really enjoyed the 31 Heros wod! Or even the bad axe throwing night.. Shit, I even had a blast cheering on CFM at the Graveyard Games Night edition.. All good times!

Hobbies, Talents and or Interests Outside of CrossFit:
Crazy about the Atlanta Falcons, RISE UP (born and raised ATLien)! I’m a media consultant (digital & traditional marketing) by day, I genuinely love my job as it satisfies my entrepreneurial spirit inside and I am passionate about sales and marketing. I spend my free time flying my drone and trying to create some dope content, or riding my bicycle. Sprinkle in some travel, every millennial says that though! That’s me in a nut shell.
Advice for new CrossFitters
Just. Get. Started. Throw everything you’ve ever heard about CrossFit (good and bad), out the window UNTIL you try it. Every box is unique due to the style of coaching/management and the sense of community the members bring to the box. Just start somewhere, log your workouts and progress, show up prepared to bust your ass for an hour, and meet some new friends while you are there. The only “good” in life comes from outside your comfort zone, jump in and don’t look back.