A. 3x 1 Strict press, 2 Push press, 3 Push jerk
Rest 3:00 between rounds
B. 5 Rounds for time
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
1 Strict Pull Up
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
3 Strict Pull Ups
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
5 Strict Pull Ups
Welcome to Scott & Carlos…and our new intern Sam!

Chuck and Lis on shuttle runs.
What a great opening week!
We had 27 different athletes join us last week – members, drop-ins, intros and private training clients. Thanks to each and every one of you who made it such a memorable week. We look forward to many more (athletes AND memorable weeks)!!!
Grand Opening Day – Saturday, June 16th:
Fran Challenge Prelims during AM classes
Party time – 5-8 pm in the box
Members, mark your calendars now as YOU GUYS are the guests of honor at our Grand Opening Celebration. If you’re not already a FAN of CrossFit Midtown on Facebook, please become one so we can keep you in the loop!
Have you read the gym rules? If not, please check them out now. At least two were violated last week!
Reminders: Put the toilet seat down AND if you’re contagious, DON’T COME TO THE BOX!
For part A, what % is that of 1 RM?
Ready to come in and kick ass today. Have some hostility to get out.
Austin – I think it is 93/94 percent.
Definitely wrong. Pre-coffee response.
Three rounds, increasing weight each round. As heavy as possible. You don’t put the bar down between reps… so in other words, take the bar out of rack, complete 1 press, 2 push press, 3 push jerk, return bar to rack.
Part 2 you’ll start w 90% of 1RM press, but be prepared to (load your bar so you can quickly) drop weight in Rd 3-4 if needed.
Mmm, coffee. My chiropractor disapproves, but everyone wins when Lis has a little caffeine. Always before noon, so as not to disrupt my sleep.
Great Wedding weekend in DC for my little sister!
I hope everyone else had a great weekend too!
I hope to see everyone tonight… gotta sweat out the boozes.
No worries if you enjoy the most heavily sprayed crop. See you tonight Coach!