Get to the box to share some CrossFit LOVE today! Morning classes are cancelled but then we’re back to regular schedule at 12n.
Updated schedule:
FRI- 12n- CrossFit with Michael
1:15p- College CrossFit with Michael
4p- CrossFit with Amy
5p- CrossFit with Amy
6p- CrossFit with Amy
SAT- 9a- Beginner CrossFit with Kelly
10a- CrossFit with Kelly
11a- CrossFit with Kelly
SUN- 12n- CrossFit with Dyer
1-2p- Open Gym with Dyer
6p- Yoga with Samantha
Here are some tips for today’s workout, 13.4 from last year’s CrossFit Open!
13.4 movement standards video
Carl Paoli’s 13.4 efficiency & movement tips
13.4 Prep and Strategy with Diane Fu, Carl Paoli, Kelly Starrett & Brian MacKenzie
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Clean & jerk: 10 minutes skill review/warm up
B. Open WOD 13.4:
As many reps as possible in 7 minutes-
3 clean & jerk 135/95
3 toes to bar
6 clean & jerk
6 toes to bar
9 clean & jerk
9 toes to bar
12 clean & jerk
12 toes to bar…
(continue up the ladder, increasing reps by 3 each round until time expires)
And coming tomorrow…PARTNER WOD
Buy In: 100 double unders or 300 singles (partners work at same time, 100/300 each)
THEN, complete 8 rounds for time (one partner working at a time):
5 (ea side) Renegade Rows w/ Dumbbells (sub plyo push ups)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Dips
Cash Out: 400m Run (partners run at same time)
**Beginners do 6 rounds for time