CFM Holiday Schedule
In order to give our team a break over the holidays, we’re running a limited schedule over the next two weeks.
Here’s the schedule:
Sat, 12/21- Regular schedule – 9 10 11a CrossFit with Cassie
PLUS Open Gym with Lis at 12n
Sun, 12/22- Regular schedule – 12n CrossFit/1p Open Gym/6p Yoga
Mon, 12/23- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Tues, 12/24- Closed
Wed, 12/25- Closed
Thurs, 12/26- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Fri, 12/27- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Sat, 12/28- 10a CrossFit- Dirty Girls Mash-Up Team WOD
Sun, 12/29- 12n CrossFit- Hero WOD
Mon, 12/30- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Tues, 12/31- Closed
Wed, 1/1- Closed
Thurs, 1/2- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Fri, 1/3- 7a CrossFit/8a Open Gym/5p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)/6p CrossFit & Open Gym (mixed)
Sat, 1/4 RETURN TO REGULAR SCHEDULE (9 10 11a classes)
We’ll also be emailing you these details today, and the schedule is updated online as well.
Don’t forget to check the blog daily for a Holiday Travel Workout option as well.
No excuses for being lazy over the holidays! Be safe & we’ll see you in 2014!!!
2012 CFM holiday card throwback… watch the mail next week for the 2013 edition!
Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Cassie
8a: Open Gym- Tirzah
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Beka
4p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Amy
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. “Annie”:
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps –
Double unders
Sit ups
(Sub 3x singles for double unders, or 150-120-90-60-30)
B. 10 minutes of fatigued skill work: Now that you’re tired after Annie, pick a skill to work on once you’re nice and warm. Or spend the time stretching & rolling out after the workout.
And coming tomorrow…
Team WODIn teams of 3-4, complete the following for time:
Buy in: 15 burpee leap frog over partners
25 squat cleans 95/65
50 double unders (sub 200 singles)
30 power cleans 95/65
50 double unders
35 shoulder to overhead 95/65
50 double unders
40 toes to bar
50 double unders
50 Russian kettlebell swings 70/53
Cash out: 15 burpee leap frog over partners
Sunday WOD
12:00 WOD
A. 1-1-1-1-1 Front Squat (find heaviest single you can do today)
5 minutes active rest – focus will be on remobilizing shoulders
B. 5 rounds for time
3 Thrusters – 135/95*
6 Pull-ups
9 Burpees
* Select a weight that’s light enough that you can do 3 reps unbroken on your 1st set, but heavy enough that doing 6 reps unbroken would be a challenge.
C. Goat work/mobility
1:00 Open Gym
Holiday Travel Workout
5 rounds:
Run max distance in 1 minute
Max rep sit ups in 1 minute