Whole Life Challenge
By Coach Beka
Summertime is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. Days spent at the pool with friends, beach vacations, Sunday Fundays on a patio…the list goes on. As much as I LOVE all of those activities, I’d been finding it more and more difficult to keep my eating habits in check recently. Drinking at the pool on Saturday often leads to a lack of quality sleep that night and bad food on Sunday, and it becomes a vicious cycle. I have spent many frustrated Monday mornings in the gym fighting the urge to call it a “rest day” and check out due to the poor eating (and drinking) choices I made the weekend before.
The last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying hard to fight the cycle and get back on track, and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in the gym. I not only perform better during WODs, but I actually WANT to push myself through them as well. I’m writing this post in an effort to encourage all of you to get back on track if you, too, have fallen off the wagon. And luckily, the Whole Life Challenge will be returning this fall to kick us back in gear. If you’re reading this and are experiencing something similar, please post in the comments and share any tips and tricks you’ve found to get back on track!
Here are the important dates:
Early Registration – August 1
General Registration – August 7
Start of the Challenge – Sept 7th
Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for more details regarding the Challenge.
Coach Raul demonstrates the Turkish get up on Saturday.
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Deadlift: 5-5-5 @ 65%
B. Skill: 10 mins of muscle up skill work OR
EMOM 10: 3 muscle ups
C. 3 rounds: Accumulate 1 min each in center, L & R side plank
And coming tomorrow…
A. Skill: 10 mins kettlebell skill work
B. 20 mins: Find 1 rep max bench press THEN…
2 mins to find max standing broad jump THEN…
2 rounds:
1 min max plyo push ups
1 min max overhead lunges 45/25
*No rest between movements/rounds. Compare to 05.08.13*
And don't forget to join us for the post WOD (or Yoga) dinner tonight! Venue TBD, somewhere in Midtown!
Strangely, my problem is very similar! 🙂