
TUES 01.15.13

Get your ROW on!

Rowing class starts tonight at 7! There are only five spots in class, and three are already reserved. So if you want to check out Uran’s rowing class tonight, save your spot now in Zen Planner. If you can’t get a spot in class tonight, you’re welcome to join the fun next week. You’re not required to attend every week… as long as you reserve a spot, you’re welcome to drop in whenever you can make it to work on your rowing technique and get some interval or endurance work in.

Day 15 of Eat Clean January!

Holy smokes, I almost broke on Sunday! I REALLY wanted a margarita. But I refrained. Well I’ve got good news: if you made it this far without cracking, the Whole9’s Robin tells us that it’s smooth sailing from here on out! Check out her timeline for what to expect throughout the Whole30. And for the love of Gran Marnier, everyone PLEASE keep me away from tortilla chips and tequila for the next 16 days.

WOD demo & extended WOD footage videos from yesterday’s CrossFit HQ website. Top YouTube comment on this video: “Hey HQ, could we get a ‘Meet Woody Harris’ video? Thanks!”

Workout of the Day

A. Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:1 push press & 3 push jerks
B. Power cleans:
Beginner –
5 power cleans every minute on the minute for 5 minutes

Intermediate –
As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of
15 power cleans at 95#/65#
15 power cleans at 125#/95#
15 power cleans at 155#/125#
15 power cleans at 185#/155#

Advanced –
As many reps as possible in 5 minutes of
15 power cleans at 135#/95#
15 power cleans at 185#/125#
15 power cleans at 235#/155#
15 power cleans at 285#/185#

And coming tomorrow…

A. 4 rounds of Back Squat 8-10 reps @3010 tempo, every 3min
B. As many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
BEGINNER – 75 kettlebell swings, 50 wall balls 20#/14#, 25 pull-ups
ADVANCED – 75 pwr snatch 75#/55#, 50 wall balls 20#/14#, 25 muscle-ups

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