LADIES! Get your “I ♥ Squats” tanks now for $25 in the Pro Shop.
Become Your Best Athlete: Learn How to Eat Well, Move Well, and Think Well
Free class next Tuesday at Cohen Chiropractic. Here’s a note from Dr. Cohen (AKA Austin, our Fran record-holder here in the box!)
Have you hit a plateau?
Did your times/lifts improve like crazy during your first few months of CrossFit, but now the gains have slowed down?
Are you great at bodyweight movements but weak at the lifts?
Do you find yourself missing workouts because you’re too sore or achy to move?
Do you want to be a competitive CrossFitter?
Do you want to live a great life?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions then pay attention: Great athletes take GREAT care of themselves!
Nutrition, mobility and positive thinking ALL play an integral role in how you develop as an athlete. Even if your vision is not to compete at a CrossFit competition there is still a different level of care you have to provide for yourself in order to keep up and do this for the long haul.
Our chiropractic practice is made up of about 60 CrossFitters from all over Atlanta. One comment I hear regularly is “Crossfit can hurt you.” This statement could not be further from the truth. The people who get hurt are the ones who sit in front of computers all day, travel for work, sleep in hotel beds regularly, sleep on their stomach, etc, etc, and do NOTHING to care for their body besides work out.
The people who eat well, move well, and think well before and during CrossFit are the ones who seldom get hurt or hit plateaus, and can sustain this lifestyle for the long haul.
I have been an avid CrossFitter for over three years and every time I hit a plateau I think “What could I do next to improve my performance and make me a better athlete?”
I’ve increased my back squat from 200 lbs when I started up to 350 lbs to today. My Fran time has gone from 9:00 minutes to 3:26. I share this not to boast, but to put into reality what is possible when you fully commit to something. To really take your health and life to the next level takes adapting other things (nutrition, mobility, thinking) that many of us know as the “CrossFit Lifestyle”.
Great question! Attend our free class next Tuesday. Space is limited, so please RSVP on Facebook to reserve your spot and join us next week!
I’ll show you how eating well, moving well, and thinking well will set you apart from the rest of your competition and what needs to happen in order for you to move forward as an athlete. You’ll leave this workshop inspired and motivated to take the steps necessary to not only improve your workouts but improve your LIFE.
Lindsay’s mom and cousin Butch warm up for their first CrossFit workout.
Rowing class is tonight at 7:
Reserve your spot in advance (class is capped at five students)! After a warm-up and some technique work, Uran will put you through this workout:
15 Rounds of:
Row for 1:40
Rest for 0:20
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Squat clean:
2 every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
B. Front squat: In 10 minutes, find 1 rep max
C. Accumulate 5 minutes front leaning rest on rings. Scale down from rings to plank on hands.
And coming tomorrow…
A. Barbell complex:
5 sets of 1 press & 3 push press, every 3 minutes
B. Nicole:
As many rounds & reps as possible in 20 minutes of
400m run
AMRAP pullups
*Run 400m, then come inside and do as many pull ups as possible. Once you drop from the bar, your round is over. Back out the door for another 400m run. Repeat until time expires. Score is total pull ups completed.
I <3 Squats tanks are now for sale online at or through the website (check out our new Online Store tab… still being configured so bear with us. BUT YOU CAN SHOP!)