Today’s schedule
6:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
7:00a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
8:00a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: Zoom CrossFit– Michael
1:00p: Open Gym- Michael
4:00p: Open Gym- Mohammed
5:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Carmen
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Hailey
6:00p: Zoom CrossFit– Hailey
7:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Carmen
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Build to heavy 2 rep set of power cleans
B. AMRAP 12:
9 Deadlifts (115/75#)
6 Burpees
3 Power Cleans
At Home
A. Single Leg Power Clean
3 sets of 3/3 reps
B. AMRAP 12:
9 DB Deadlifts
6 DB Facing Burpees
3 DB Power Cleans
Score rounds for the WOD. Ex: 7+3 Rx
And coming tomorrow…
A. 3 Sets:
12 Weighted Single-Leg Squats
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges
1:00 Hollow Hold
B. 9 Sets For Load:
Front Squat
At Home
B. 9 Sets For Load:
8 DB Front Squats
8 DB Front Rack Lunges
Post weight for 10, 5, 3, and 1 rep. Ex: 235, 255, 295, 320 Rx