

Happy Six Monthiversary, CrossFit Midtown!

Man, time flies. Here we are, six months since opening our doors, with 120 members already!
So much has already happened:
Memorial Day Murph, the Grand Opening Party, the Frantastic Voyage Fran Challenge, new rowers & cage & AirDyne, POSE Running/Endurance seminar, Food as Fuel classes, the Olympics watch party, Double-Under seminar, Ladies nights at Fab’rik & lululemon, Hooverball, sending four teams to East vs. West competition, NEW SHOWERS, the Halloween glow stick WOD, TWO quarterly progress checks, community WODs at lululemon & Piedmont Park, SEVEN Facebook fan dances – one for every 100 fans!, the Whole Life Challenge and all its fun events: not-paleo potluck, paleo potluck & finals/awards party, the Instructor Training Program, yoga classes, over 100 WODs and TONS of PRs!
Thanks for helping build the CFM community along the way. We look forward to so many more memorable moments ahead. Keep up the great work!

So what’s next?

YOU TELL US! As always, CFM wants your feedback to help mold our future… so check your inbox today for a survey that CFM students Matt B & Jennifer C (from the early AM crew) put together for one of their MBA classes. Please give us your opinions on how CFM can serve you better! But of course we have a few things up our sleeve that we hope you’ll enjoy:
Gymnastics class! Who’s been dying to improve at handstands or learn to kip or practice muscle-ups? For the four weeks between Thanksgiving & Christmas, we’ll be trying out a weekly gymnastics class that might become a permanent thing in the new year. Stay tuned to the blog later this week for more details.
Holiday Party – Sat December 8th: We’re hosting a party here in the box from 7 to 10 pm. We’ll provide the main course and some beverages… you bring an appetizer or dessert to share!
Whole 30: For the month of January, a group of us will be eating strict paleo for 30 days to give our body a much-needed detox after the holidays. We’ll keep you posted as it approaches.

My vision

I opened CFM with a goal of making Midtown residents stronger, healthier and happier people. Eventually, we’ll start a foundation and begin working with high school students to teach them about healthy lifestyles too.
Yes, the theme here is giving back & improving lives…so in the immediate future, I hope CFM can pull together as a community to give back to those less fortunate than we are this holiday season…
We’ve got a few weeks left of our November food drive for the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Please clean out your cabinets and/or visit the grocery store and spend a few bucks. The most-needed items are: Peanut Butter, Canned Tuna, Canned Beans, Canned Soups, Stews and Pastas, 100% Fruit Juice, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Macaroni and Cheese Dinners, Whole Grain, Low Sugar Cereals… no, most of these items aren’t paleo. You won’t be judged for bringing them in anyway!!! LET’S FILL THOSE TWO BARRELS! Then in December we’re hosting a Toys for Tots drive, so once again, I hope we can come together to make the holidays a happy time for some families in need.

Thanksgiving schedule

Closed Thursday & Open Gym Friday
CrossFit Midtown will hold all regularly scheduled classes next week on Monday through Wednesday. CFM will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving. On Friday, regular classes are cancelled, but there will be Open Gym sessions from 10am to 12noon and 4 to 6pm. Saturday there will be an open gym session from 10am to 12noon.
Open gym sessions will be supervised by a coach, but will not have formal group warm-ups. A coach will be on hand to answer questions, review movements and technique. You’ll have a choice of doing skill work, a programmed workout and/or doing a workout from recent weeks.

The WLC finals crew

Workout of the Day

A. Back Squat: 12-10-8-6 @2010 tempo, rest 2min
B1. 3 rounds: 15 back extensions @1010, rest 30sec
B2. 3 rounds: 15 situps, rest 30sec
C. Pistol practice: 10 minutes
D. AirDyne, row or jump rope: 10 minutes

3 thoughts on “WED 11.14.12 SIX MONTHS ALREADY?!?!?”

  1. Wow, I can't believe it's been 6 months. Seems like day 1 was just yesterday. Today is a good day to look back at the old log book to note and feel good about the progress we've all earned over the last 6 months or so.

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