Today’s schedule
6a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
7a: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
8a: Open Gym- Michael
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Stacy
4p: Open Gym- Anthony
5p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
6p: All Levels CrossFit- Anthony
Workout of the Day (WOD)
A. Hang Power Clean: 7 sets of 1 rep.
B. 3 Rounds [15 minute time cap]
8 Double Kettlebell Clean (m = 20/24/32 = 12/16/24)
4 Tire Flips 180# (L1=100#)
300m Run
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Post load and reps for Bench. Post time to complete WOD. Ex: 215# 7 reps, 8:51 L2.
And coming Saturday…
AMRAP in 31 minutes of:
8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs (15′)
11 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
[See below for scaling options]
This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a sandbag (45/25). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.
Score is your total number of rounds/reps (25 per round). Ex: 5+16 Rx.
This WOD was created specifically to honor the 30 men and one dog that gave their lives for our country on August 6, 2011. It is 31 minutes long—one minute in remembrance of each hero. The rep scheme is 8-6-11—the date of their ultimate sacrifice. Finally, this is a partner WOD. The men who gave their lives were from multiple branches of our military, working together as a team. In the workout you and your team member will constantly be taking the load from each other providing much needed support and relief. We realize that no physical sacrifice made during a workout can come close to the sacrifice our brave heroes made, but we consider this WOD a CrossFitters “moment of silence.” This is how we can honor those that gave all in the name of freedom.
L2 Division
8 Thrusters (105/75#)
6 Rope Climbs (15ft/10ft)
11 Box Jumps (24/20)
L1 Division
8 Thrusters (75/55#)
6 Ring Rows
11 Box Jumps (20/16)
Additional Scaling Options:
Scaling Rope Climbs: Rope Climb (10ft) 1:1, Pullups 1:1, Ring Rows 1:1
Thruster weight can be scaled further in either division. Thruster weight scaled to 70% of our 1RM Thurster.
Box Jump height can be scaled in all divisions. 24”, 20”, 16”, 12”
Box Jumps will be step downs only
Saturday Schedule
08:30: Doors Open
9:15: Heat 1
10:00: Heat 2
10:45: Heat 3
11:15: 31Heroes after-party and social!
Sunday Schedule
8a: Aerobic Capacity- Travis
10a: All Levels CrossFit- Neal
11a: Weightlifting- Anthony
4-6p: Yoga Workshop- Will Milne
6p: Strength Training/Open Gym- Tina
CFM Upcoming Events
Saturday, August 12th: 31 Heroes WOD. Heats will begin at 9am through 12pm with CFM BBQ to follow. Join us for this annual charity event to support the families of fallen soilders and to provide treatment and awareness for veterans with PTSD and TBI. Click here for event details and to donate for this great cause! #rememberthefallen #workouttoremember

Sunday, August 13th & 27th:CFM Yoga Workshop. CFM Yoga Instructor Will Milne will teach an introductory workshop on the basics of yoga. Increase mobility, speed recovery time, prevent injury, improve posture, find new strengths and the power of relaxation. We will cover basic breathing techniques, spinal articulations, key yoga poses, and the physical and mental demands of restructuring the human body. Click here to sign up!
Thursday, August 24th: Bring-A-Friend Day! Invite a friend or family to join you for a beginner friendly partner workout. Email us with their name and contact email to reserve their spot. #BYOF Bring Your Own Friend!