The PR & Goals Board
Have you noticed the Goals/PR/Accomplishments board in the gym? It’s over by the stereo…
Set new goals every month and post them on the board. I am PUMPED at how many people have posted goals this month!
AND brag about your accomplishments once you achieve them. PR stands for personal record and we want to track them every month too.
When you post a PR or accomplishment, don’t think of it as bragging (unless you like to brag, in which case, DO IT. Be proud!), but instead you are helping to motivate other CFM students. Be proud of your goals and accomplishments and relish in the fact that they might motivate others to step it up right along with you!
Joe P (from the AM crowd) recently did his first WOD with the 2-pood kettlebell. Ellen did her first WOD with all Rx-ed pull ups AND got her first chest-to-bar pull ups already this month. Arielle also learned a KILLER kip and got her first chest-to-bar pull ups.
Post this stuff on the board to help each other strive for success.
How awesome will it be at the end of April to say: “EGADS! CROSSFIT MIDTOWN HAD 100 PRS THIS MONTH AND TWO OF THEM WERE MINE!”
I mean, saying EGADS is awesome in itself, but all the PRs will also be really cool. Who else has PR’ed this month? Share in the comments! (AND post on the board)
Congrats to RiRa gift card winners Brianne & Stuart!
They were our first peeps to get in on the Field Day. Who else is gonna join us for some fun on May 11th? Field Day 9a-12n and PAR-TAY in the box 7-10pm.
Bridget, Cassie & Lis…GO BRAVES! We gotta plan a CFM outing to a game soon. Who’s in?
Yoga at noon today with Beth!
ROWING is now on Wednesdays at 7
(no more Tues night rowing)… Don’t forget to reserve your spot online! Here’s tonight’s programming:
A. 2000m time trial
B. 7 rounds of 500m every 4 minutes
Workout of the Day
A. Shoulder & core mobility & warm-up
B. Turkish get ups: 50 reps NOT FOR TIME
And coming tomorrow…
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
500m row OR 400m run
10 ring dips
10 strict pull ups
Congrats Stuart & Brianne on scoring the gift cards to Ri Ra Irish Pub – Atlanta! Who else is in for field day? Do it BROZ: David, Calin, Rough.
Unfortunately Dave and I will be out of town for Field Day 🙁
Also – I'm always in for a Braves game! Especially one with heavy tailgate potential.
^^^ Agreed. Braves game and tailgate would be tons-o-fun.
Out of town for Field Day or Field Day AND Anniversary Party. Missing one is ehhhhhh…. missing both is inexcusable. You'll never forgive yourself.