Class RSVPs
With over 100 students at CFM, the class sizes are growing! To maintain coaching quality and ensure safety, space and equipment for each student, we are offically capping classes at 14 students BEGINNING TOMORROW (10/18). So what does this mean to you?
RSVP – when you enrolled at CFM, you were emailed a login name and password for Zen Planner, our gym management website. Visit this page and use your login (you can also enter through the schedule page on our website) to reserve your space in class. RSVPs are accepted 5 days in advance, all the way up until class time. RSVP IS NOT REQUIRED, but if you show up for a class and it is full, you’ll have to wait until the next class to participate.
Cancellations – if you RSVP, then find you cannot attend a class, please CANCEL your reservation. You have until 4 hours prior to class time to cancel. If you do not attend a class for which you RSVPed, it will count against your weekly attendance if you fail to cancel the reservation.
-If you did not receive a Zen Planner log in email, let us know.
-Yoga classes are not capped.
-We are in the process of adding additional class times AND additional gym floor space, to accommodate more students.
Hydrostatic body composition testing is today
Body composition testing has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 17 from 4 to 7pm. Sign up for your time slot (10 minute increments) at the box or by emailing Courtney. Bali has offered a complimentary test to those who were scheduled on the original day.
Jump Rope Seminar at CFM on Oct 20th
Molly Metz, world jump-rope champion and viral video legend (check out her video of 10-minutes non-stop double unders), is coming to CFM on Saturday, October 20 for a jump-rope workshop from 9 to 11 am. You’ll be a double under pro after she’s done with you. Cost is $45. Register here.
CFM’s 10 am class will relocate to Piedmont Park this Saturday (meet at the Active Oval gazebo), but the 11am class will be held at the box as regularly scheduled.
Upcoming events:
Sunday, 10/28 – 10am – Free Community COSTUME WOD at lululemon howell mill… Drag yourself out of bed for ONE MORE Halloween weekend costume-wearing opportunity… join Lis over at lululemon for the monthly community WOD, open to the public and suitable for all shapes, sizes, ghouls, goblins and skill levels.
Wednesday, 10/31 – 8pm – GLOW STICK WOD! Join the 8pm class for a Halloween WOD in the dark with GLOOOOOOW STICKS! This class will not be capped.
Thursday, 11/8 – 7:30pm – Ladies Night at lululemon howell mill CFM Ladies, join us on the Westside for some shopping, refreshments and great company!
Saturday, 11/10 – 10am – Whole Life Challenge FINALS WOD & Measurements at Piedmont Park Active Oval, followed by the…
WLC FINALS PARTY & AWARDS PRESENTATION, 11/10 – 1-3 pm at RiRa (note: this is a change from the original party location). WLCers and non-WLCers alike are welcome to attend. Some refreshments will be provided. Bring your family & friends to toast our WLC winners and celebrate the positive changes we made over the past eight weeks!
Saturday, 12/8 – 7pm – HOLIDAY PARTY! CFM’s inaugural holiday party is sure to be memorable. Save the date & stay tuned for more details.
Holiday giving – CFM will be hosting a canned food drive in November and a Toys for Tots drive in December.
Chichi & Shane
Workout of the Day
A. Deadlift: 15-10-5, rest 2 min
B. Partner WOD for time: Partner 1 (P1) does 4 Turkish get ups. Partner 2 (P2) does 4 burpees, then rests while P1 completes Turkish get ups. Switch back and forth until reaching a team total of 100 total Turkish get ups.
Saturday's Double Under Seminar has sold out, so we added a second one, on Saturday from 1 to 3 pm… use the link below to register:
The hydrostatic body comp truck is here testing until 7pm. $30 if anyone wants to get in on it… there are lots of appointment times still available. Just show up and knock on the door of the truck and Bali will fit you in (truck is parked across the street from the gym). Good luck!