Today’s schedule
6:15a: All Levels CrossFit- Cameron
7:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Cameron
8:45a: Open Gym- Cameron
12n: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
12n: Zoom CrossFit– Michael
1:15p: Open Gym- Michael
3:30p: Open Gym- Mohammed
4:45p: All Levels CrossFit- Mohammed
6:00p: All Levels CrossFit- Mohammed
6:00p: Zoom CrossFit– Mohammed
7:15p: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
Workout of the Day (WOD)
For total time:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters
Rest 1 min.
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
Rest 1 min.
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters
21.4 begins immediately upon completing
or reaching the time cap for 21.3.
Rx’d (Ages 16-54)
♀65 lb.
♂95 lb.
Scaled (Ages 16-54)
♀45 lb., perform hanging knee-raises, then chin-overbar pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups
♂65 lb., perform hanging knee-raises, then chin-overbar pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups
Masters 55+
♀45 lb., perform toes-to-bars, then chin-over-bar
pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups
♂65 lb., perform toes-to-bars, then chin-over-bar
pull-ups, then chest-to-bar pull-ups
Complete the following complex for
max load:
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
Time begins immediately following the
completion of 21.3.
Time cap: 7 min.
Score time for 21.3 and load for 21.4. Ex: 12:30, 235 Rx
And coming Saturday…
Partner WOD
For Time: [20min cap]
Cal Row
Burpees Over The Rower
At Home
Partner WOD
For Time: [20min cap]
400m Relay To Start Each Round
All reps are team totals. 1 Partner working at a time. Partners must complete a minimum of 3 burpees before switching.
Post time or total reps completed for the WOD . Ex: 18:40 Rx.
Saturday Schedule
8:00a: Open Gym- Michael
9:15a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Jeannette
10:30a: Zoom CrossFit– Jeannette
11:45a: Yoga- Monica Miller
And coming Sunday…
“Brunch Hustle”
3 Rounds [22min cap]
12 Tire Flips Jump Through (200)
8 Burpees Over the Wall (48/40″)
35 AbMat Sit Ups (Rx+=45)
100 m Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry (53/35’s)
At Home
3 Rounds [22min cap]
20 DB Cleans (50’s/35’s)
8 Burpees Broad Jumps (4/3ft)
35 AbMat Sit Ups
100 m DB Farmer’s Carry (53/35’s)
Post time for the WOD. Ex 16:10 Rx+
Sunday Schedule
8:00a: Weightlifting- Michael
9:30a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:45a: All Levels CrossFit- Michael
10:45a: Zoom CrossFit– Michael
12n: Stretch & Mobility- Priscila Baptista