Quarterly Progress Checks
It’s time once again to retest several workouts and check our progress over the last three months. Here’s what’s up this week:
1) Retest your Baseline WOD – we’re doing this a little differently from past quarters. You choose the day to retest your Baseline, but if you’re in the gym this week, YOU MUST RETEST IT! Do it as a warm up any of the days you come in, or do the Baseline as your workout, instead of the regular WOD, or wait until the weekend and retest it on Saturday or during Open Gym on Sunday.
2) Post your PRs! If you achieve a new Personal Record this week, PLEASE add it to the PR board in the gym AND tell your coach so we can STAR it on the board. This is important data for us to review as we plan the programming for the future.
3) Get your body composition tested. The Dunk Truck will be here Wednesday. This is a great way to track your progress. Body composition is much more important than body weight alone. I weigh the same now as when I started CrossFit, but have lost about 5% body fat and gained muscle. It’s $30. Register here.
4) Enjoy the journey! Reflect on the last quarter, set goals for the next quarter, and be proud of how far you’ve come. We’ll do 10 minutes of goal-setting & reflection in the beginning of class on M, T & W. If you’d like to spend some more time setting some goals, writing action steps and deciding how to CRUSH the next quarter, join Lis on Saturday from 12 to 1 for a Goal-Setting Workshop.
Team Cooties crushing Saturday’s team WOD: Calin (rowing), Levy & Chris H (swings) & Geoff (resting).
Retest your Baseline!
For time:
500m row
40 squats
30 abmat situps
20 hand-release push ups
10 pull ups
Workout of the Day
5 Rounds for time:
7 handstand push ups
14 pistols
21 double unders or 75 single unders
And coming tomorrow…
Olympic Total:
A. Take 15 minutes to find your Snatch 1 rep max
B. Take 15 minutes to find your Clean & Jerk 1 rep max
And Ninja Training at 7pm!